Remember this post from just a few short weeks ago?
I laid out 4 goals that I wanted to focus on this year. Four goals which I thought were fairly simple. Achievable. Goals that would help ensure that I wouldn't look back at the end of the year and say, "Whoh Stac, you really blew it."
So, almost one month into the year and I thought I'd give you an honest update.
Let's just say...I'm kinda blowing it.
Not totally, but I have certainly "fallen off the goal wagon" since those first couple of pristine weeks.
Here are the goals, along with how I'm doing on each one.
1. Read more: I've read one book. One. And it was short.
2. Spend less. I was doing really good until I went to Target a couple weeks ago. I literally got a text from my friend that said, "This is your friendly budget reminder: GET OUT OF THERE!" She was right. I should not ever go into Target if I'm trying to stick to a budget.
3. Be more spiritual.
This one is pretty embarrassing.
I've completely blown this one.
Yes, I do still read my daily email devotional, but I have not gotten up early even once to have quiet time with God.
A friend of mine told me the other day that she gets up at 5 a.m. every day to have her quiet time. My reaction... "WHAT?! How do you do that?!" She very matter-of-factly said, "Deep down I know that 5 a.m. is the only time I will actually do my quiet time. So I just had to make it a habit."
That inspired me. Big time.
4. Be more appreciative.
This is probably the only goal I can say that I've been good about. I have caught myself several times when I would normally have lost my temper with my kids and taken a moment to stop and remind myself that it's probably more me than the kids that are causing my bad mood.
It has caused me to be a lot more appreciative of my time with them. To not take the long days for granted. Knowing that some moms would give anything to spend all day with their little ones.
So since I feel like I'm focusing pretty well on appreciating the kiddos, my next area to concentrate on (in addition to the boys) is my husband.
I read a great blog post yesterday about how as husbands and wives we need to stop and remember who we were before kids. Here's a quick snippet from the post:
Ladies, there will come a day when your husband walks in the door
and you do not turn around. You will be preoccupied with filling up
sippy cups and wiping booties. You will shout over the running bath
water, “Hey! Glad you’re home.” But it won’t mean what it used to mean.
It won’t be full of eager anticipation to spend time together. It will
be full of expectations to aid in the demands of the family. “Glad your
home,” will more properly translate, “Thank God for two extra hands to
help me.” And “Praise the Lord I might get five minutes alone.”
Ladies, there will come a day when you spend every last ounce of
yourselves on your children. The demands of life and the babies will
come before any other priority. What little of yourself you have left at
the end of the day will be used to crawl into bed before someone is
awake to need you again. The thought of doing anything else after the
children are asleep will sound impossible and your handsome husband’s
happy smile had better mean he is willing to get up with the baby and
nothing more.
The husband that once completed your heart will be just one more
person who needs you. The charming things that you fell for will go
unnoticed. The daily grind will become expected.
The post was such a heartbreakingly important reminder that we need to keep our marriages a top priority. Especially when we have kids. I strongly encourage you to take a few minutes to read the entire post here.
It certainly reminded me that I could use to be a lot more appreciative of my sweet hubby.
SO, in review... I'm not doing so hot with the first three goals. BUT, I am so glad that I have them written down. I am able to go back and read why I made them my goals. And what the purpose is behind them.
I am not feeling defeated.
I am feeling motivated.
And to help keep myself on track, here's my plan:
1. Read more: I just picked up a book at the library today by one of my favorite authors. It's called "Fly Away Home" by Jennifer Weiner. I am starting it today.
2. Spend less: I will NOT go to Target for the month of February.
OUCH! Did I really just type that?!?! Oh man, that's gonna stink. But if I can make it through the month of February, then I'll know I can do it. (I sound like a real addict here. Is there a Target support group out there???)
3. Be more spiritual: I start my new Bible study next Wednesday, so I know that will help keep me accountable. But I really want to start doing some morning quiet time. This is going to be very challenging, so please pray for me.
I want to start out doing two days a week of morning quiet time.
The kids get up at 6:30, so I am going to plan on getting up at 6.
Again, please pray for me that I can stave off the laziness and give God the time He deserves.
Thanks for listening.
I hope my honesty and desire to keep focused on my goals will help inspire one of you too!
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Gasparilla Recap and This Week's Menu
Hi everyone! I hope you had a great weekend.
We took the kids to their first ever Gasparilla celebration. It was SO much fun, but man am I tired!
If you're not familiar with Gasparilla, it's kind of like Mardi Gras on the water. Boats of all kinds - from multimillion dollar yachts, to tiny fishing boats, to gigantic pirate ships - "invade" the harbor and throw beads from their boats to the hundreds of people lining the shore.
It's a very old tradition here in Tampa, one that many people take very seriously by joining pirate "Krewes." But for people like us who aren't really tied in to the history behind it, it's mostly just a fun way to spend the afternoon. Especially people watching. WOW... there was some great people watching!
Here's a brief summary in photos:
But like all good fun, it had to come to an end. And now I'm finishing up my last load of laundry and working on the menu for the week. Here's what I've got so far:
Pizza & salad, or take out
Pretty simple week of cooking, which is great for me.
We took the kids to their first ever Gasparilla celebration. It was SO much fun, but man am I tired!
If you're not familiar with Gasparilla, it's kind of like Mardi Gras on the water. Boats of all kinds - from multimillion dollar yachts, to tiny fishing boats, to gigantic pirate ships - "invade" the harbor and throw beads from their boats to the hundreds of people lining the shore.
It's a very old tradition here in Tampa, one that many people take very seriously by joining pirate "Krewes." But for people like us who aren't really tied in to the history behind it, it's mostly just a fun way to spend the afternoon. Especially people watching. WOW... there was some great people watching!
Here's a brief summary in photos:
This is what a typical boat looks like. Packed with people throwing beads at the onlookers. |
The kids (and adults) stand on the water's edge yelling for people to throw them beads. |
This guy made some amazing bead catches! |
Some people party like it really is Mardi Gras. This guy was passed out at 11:30 a.m.! |
Then the big pirate ship invades the harbor, shooting off "cannons" and signaling the start of the street parade. |
How many people would you guess are on this ship?!? |
We had a wonderful time with our good friends who live right by the water and spent the night after the parade. |
- Chicken Nachos (Shredded chicken, black beans, shredded cheese sprinkled over Tostito chips and warmed through under the broiler)
- Garlic Rosemary Oven-Roasted Pork Loin
- Oven-roasted potatoes
- Broccoli
- Black beans & yellow rice (Goya brand for both - I follow the black bean recipe on the back of the can except I don't add as much water as they recommend)
- Crock Pot Chicken Parisienne over brown rice
- Green beans
- Biscuits
Pizza & salad, or take out
Pretty simple week of cooking, which is great for me.
I hope everyone's week is off to a good start!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
A 70th Birthday, and Another Milestone...
Not many people will be too interested in this post, but for my online scrapbook purposes, I would like to include it. So, skip on to your next favorite blog if you don't care to relive my weekend at home. Promise, I won't be offended.
Okay, for those of you who are still here, I went to Orlando last weekend for a very special birthday party. A very special 70th birthday party. I have to admit, it's my first 70th birthday party I've ever attended. But I knew ahead of time, it would be a blast.
See, my dear friend Ashley and I have been best buddies since about 6th grade. We ditched school together for the first time in 7th grade. For a good reason, mind you. We wanted a Coca Cola. We were hot. We had just finished up P.E. in the blazing Florida sun and we wanted a cold soda. We decided it would be a good decision to high-tail it off school property and scurry behind bushes and trash cans until we made it all the way to my house... only to find the housekeepers car in the driveway. DANG-IT!
It's a long story, but we somehow managed to wait for the housekeepers to leave. Went inside. Made grilled cheese sandwiches. And enjoyed an ice cold Coke. AND we made it back to school without getting caught. Or anyone noticing that we were gone for that matter. Hmmm...I wonder how that happened.
Anyhow, this began a long, crazy, wild, hilarious friendship with my gal Ash. We cried to each other over lots of stupid boy drama. We supported each other through many up's and down's in our personal family lives. We helped each other navigate the unsupervised, rebellious first few years of college together as roommates. And then traveled with our other co-conspirator, Jenny, through Europe for three months.
Of course then we were in each others weddings, snuggled each others firstborns, and have had many, many phone calls over the years ranging from parenting, to husband/wife issues, to family and every other topic inbetween.
So needless to say, Ash has been there through it all when it comes to my life. And another person who has been along for the ride, is her sweet mom, Dewease.
She turned 70 last weekend. And we celebrated her.
It was a party like none other. Live music, great food, great drinks, a wonderful slideshow to commemorate what a great life this lady has had, and tons of friends and family there to love on her. I'm so glad I was able to attend.
Of course, since the party was in Orlando, I brought my little guys with me and we spent some time with my parents.
Nothing like waking up after a long night out, and having a fire going in the fireplace, hot coffee waiting for you and your kids out for breakfast with their "Paca" (my Dad). Spoiled? Yes.
Before we headed back to Tampa, my parents took the boys to their favorite spot... Lil 500 Go Kart track. They LOVE it!
Okay, for those of you who are still here, I went to Orlando last weekend for a very special birthday party. A very special 70th birthday party. I have to admit, it's my first 70th birthday party I've ever attended. But I knew ahead of time, it would be a blast.
See, my dear friend Ashley and I have been best buddies since about 6th grade. We ditched school together for the first time in 7th grade. For a good reason, mind you. We wanted a Coca Cola. We were hot. We had just finished up P.E. in the blazing Florida sun and we wanted a cold soda. We decided it would be a good decision to high-tail it off school property and scurry behind bushes and trash cans until we made it all the way to my house... only to find the housekeepers car in the driveway. DANG-IT!
It's a long story, but we somehow managed to wait for the housekeepers to leave. Went inside. Made grilled cheese sandwiches. And enjoyed an ice cold Coke. AND we made it back to school without getting caught. Or anyone noticing that we were gone for that matter. Hmmm...I wonder how that happened.
Anyhow, this began a long, crazy, wild, hilarious friendship with my gal Ash. We cried to each other over lots of stupid boy drama. We supported each other through many up's and down's in our personal family lives. We helped each other navigate the unsupervised, rebellious first few years of college together as roommates. And then traveled with our other co-conspirator, Jenny, through Europe for three months.
Of course then we were in each others weddings, snuggled each others firstborns, and have had many, many phone calls over the years ranging from parenting, to husband/wife issues, to family and every other topic inbetween.
So needless to say, Ash has been there through it all when it comes to my life. And another person who has been along for the ride, is her sweet mom, Dewease.
She turned 70 last weekend. And we celebrated her.
(L to R) Ash, Dewease, Me & Jenny |
Of course, since the party was in Orlando, I brought my little guys with me and we spent some time with my parents.
Nothing like waking up after a long night out, and having a fire going in the fireplace, hot coffee waiting for you and your kids out for breakfast with their "Paca" (my Dad). Spoiled? Yes.
Before we headed back to Tampa, my parents took the boys to their favorite spot... Lil 500 Go Kart track. They LOVE it!
Parker rides with my Dad. How cute are they?!?!
And Mr. Big Boy Payton, rides on the fast track by himself.
I couldn't even get an action shot because he was going so fast! |
For me however, the biggest moment of the weekend came silently in the middle of the night on Friday. Somehow, someway, Parker lost his last pacifier. He went to bed with it, but couldn't find it when we woke up. Must have been the paci fairy!
So, the pacifier is gone. One more reminder that he's only a couple weeks away from turning 3 and certainly not a baby anymore.
It makes me happy and sad all at the same time.
I'm ready for the "terrible 2's" to be over. Yet a little weepy that there's no more "baby" in the house.
But I shall embrace this new chapter with excitement and look forward to the new phases that lie ahead.
And I will look back at pictures like these and smile...
This one is my fav. |
Saturday, January 18, 2014
This Week's Menu
We have an unusually chilly week ahead of us, which makes me want to cook soothing, comfort food. But I also want to balance that with some healthy items as well. So, here's what's on the menu this week...
Crock Pot Chicken & Stuffing
1. Place 3-4 chicken breasts in greased Crock Pot and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
2. In a bowl, combine 1 can of cream of chicken soup with 1/3 cup milk and pour over chicken.
3. Then combine 1 box of Savory Herb Stove Top Stuffing mix with 1 2/3 cup water. Allow the stuffing to absorb most of the water then dump on top of chicken/soup mixture. Spread around to create an even surface.
4. Cook on low 6-8 hours.
Have a yummy cozy week everyone!
- Mini meatloaves
- Fresh steamed green beans
- Mashed potatoes
- Chicken Noodle Casserole - this recipe is from one of my favorite Mom blogs, Clover Lane. This mama has 6 kids, so she knows a thing or two about kid-friendly meals!
- Broccoli
- Biscuits
- Crock Pot chili
- Cornbread muffins
- Cooked carrots
- Crock Pot Chicken & Stuffing (see recipe below)
- Peas
- Take out/pizza & salad
Crock Pot Chicken & Stuffing
1. Place 3-4 chicken breasts in greased Crock Pot and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
2. In a bowl, combine 1 can of cream of chicken soup with 1/3 cup milk and pour over chicken.
3. Then combine 1 box of Savory Herb Stove Top Stuffing mix with 1 2/3 cup water. Allow the stuffing to absorb most of the water then dump on top of chicken/soup mixture. Spread around to create an even surface.
4. Cook on low 6-8 hours.
Have a yummy cozy week everyone!
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Fun & Inexpensive Valentines Gift
Y'all know this girl loves the Target Dollar section. It gets me in trouble sometimes.
But this month, when they rolled out their Valentine's decor, I controlled myself and only bought a few things to be used as gifts.
When I spotted an adorable pink mini mailbox and 2-pack of Valentines stickers for only $1 each, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with them.
Then I simply applied some stickers and a few white dots with a paint pen, and "Voila!"
But this month, when they rolled out their Valentine's decor, I controlled myself and only bought a few things to be used as gifts.
When I spotted an adorable pink mini mailbox and 2-pack of Valentines stickers for only $1 each, I knew exactly what I wanted to do with them.
Since I don't have any girls of my own, I have fun doing girlie stuff for my nieces. And poor Joel, my nephew, just has to take one for the team and see his name emblazoned on a pink mailbox. Sorry kiddo.
Here's how I did it.
1. I wanted to make sure the names would be evenly spaced on the front of the mailbox, so I printed off a font that I liked on the computer making sure it was the right size for the area.
2. I used a white craft pencil and colored over the BACK of the paper where the names were printed. Then I placed the paper on top of the mailbox lid and firmly went over each letter with the closed end of a Sharpie marker. Basically, it works like carbon paper, but leaves white marks instead of black.
It left just a tiny amount of the white pencil marks behind so that I could use it as a template.
Then I used a black Sharpie to go over the letters. Not perfect, but much better than I could have done free-hand.
And since it is a Valentine's gift, I had to fill it with some chocolate...
I hope the kids enjoy it!
Now, I just have to come up with some creative Valentine's gifts for boys. Any ideas???
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Valentine's Ideas - {FREE PRINTABLES}
Yes, I realize it's only January 14 - not February 14, but I like to get the most "bang for my buck" when it comes to holidays. So I decorated the house this week and I am in full planning mode for some cute crafts, fun teacher gifts, and other creative odds and ends.
I have been searching the web to collect some of my favorite ideas thus far. And my "go-to" blogs are already in full Valentine's mode, so it made it easy to compile a list for ya.

I have been searching the web to collect some of my favorite ideas thus far. And my "go-to" blogs are already in full Valentine's mode, so it made it easy to compile a list for ya.
This is what I am making for teacher gifts this year:
Valentine Pretzel Hugs

You can find directions and a creative packaging idea on The Sunny Side Up blog.
And I love this craft idea. I may get the neighborhood kids together to make these:
I'm thinking that they don't have to be in picture frames. Using a heavy card stock paper would provide just as cute of an outcome.
And of course you know I am obsessed with this adorable set of free printables from Dimple Prints.

I've already downloaded and framed the "I love you" print. And I'm tempted to go back for more! She also has a ton of other adorable free Valentine-related printables on her blog. Creative people blow my mind sometimes!
If you're hosting a Valentine's party, how about these fun labels from the Dating Divas:

Print them out and use double-sided tape to wrap around glass soda bottles or water bottles flavored with a cherry powder drink mix. Or you could present it to your sweetie on Valentine's Day wrapped around a wine or mini champagne bottle. ;)
And if you're feeling super ambitious, I think this gift idea is absolutely precious! Blooming Homestead blog created this free printable poem to go along with a "decorate your own cookie" gift box. Of course she baked her own sugar cookies and made her own frosting, but I bet if you packaged up some Publix sugar cookies, a container of icing, and some toppings, anyone would love to receive this gift!

As for my decor, I've pretty much covered the house in red and pink hearts, which makes Brian oh-so-happy. I'm sure this banner in the playroom is his fav...
Here are some of my other favorite Valentine's decorations:
I bought this chalkboard sign from Groopdealz last year. |
These adorable fabric mailboxes are from Pottery Barn Kids and attach to the back of the kids' chairs. Starting February 1, I will put a little something inside them each day. |
These faux peonies and this Brown Sugar & Fig candle will likely stay out well past Valentine's Day. |
Some fun throw pillows |
The only Valentine's purchase I have made thus far, is this tiny mailbox and pack of stickers. They were each $1 at Target. I have a fun idea in store for them. Stay tuned!
I hope that got your creative juices flowing! You've got a whole month to enjoy celebrating all of the love around you. Have a great week friends. :)
Valentines crafts,
Valentines Day,
Valentines decor
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Updated Pic & Weekly Menu
This week has been good.
Like full of love from friends, family and my hubs. Which is always good. ;)
I had the chance to celebrate my birthday, AGAIN. My girlfriends had planned a birthday dinner before the holidays, but it had to be rescheduled, so we were able to go out this week.
They gave me a wonderful spa gift card and then took me out for a very fun dinner.
I tell ya, after two very special birthday dinners, I feel so loved and so celebrated. Between my family and friends I have been totally spoiled...and I love it! :)
A few of you have asked about our bunny, Mocha. She's doing great. After we had her "fixed" she chilled out a lot and became much more cuddly. We rarely ever close her cage. She has free roam of the house, but really never leaves the playroom. She goes from under the craft table to her cage and that's about it.
She'll cuddle with anyone willing to give her treats. She prefers quiet, but occasionally will come out when the boys are playing in the play room.
Personally, I like her when it's quiet and she wants to snuggle. :)
Other than that, we're back to our normal schedule of school, playdates and homework (yuck!). It's been particularly warm here, which I'm not complaining about. I'll do 70's any day of the year! But when the rest of the country is dealing with freezing temps and snow and we have on shorts and tank tops...
Okay, on to this week's menu...
Monday: Mexican Chicken
(Brian bought a rotisserie chicken today, so I need to use it by tomorrow)
I'd love to hear from you if you are using my menus to help plan your weekly meals.
Like full of love from friends, family and my hubs. Which is always good. ;)
I had the chance to celebrate my birthday, AGAIN. My girlfriends had planned a birthday dinner before the holidays, but it had to be rescheduled, so we were able to go out this week.
They gave me a wonderful spa gift card and then took me out for a very fun dinner.
I tell ya, after two very special birthday dinners, I feel so loved and so celebrated. Between my family and friends I have been totally spoiled...and I love it! :)
A few of you have asked about our bunny, Mocha. She's doing great. After we had her "fixed" she chilled out a lot and became much more cuddly. We rarely ever close her cage. She has free roam of the house, but really never leaves the playroom. She goes from under the craft table to her cage and that's about it.
She'll cuddle with anyone willing to give her treats. She prefers quiet, but occasionally will come out when the boys are playing in the play room.
Personally, I like her when it's quiet and she wants to snuggle. :)
Sometimes I wrap her up in my sweater. She likes it. |
Well, we just smile and say, "Thank you God!"
Tonight, we enjoyed dinner... fireside. It was beautiful.
Okay, on to this week's menu...
Monday: Mexican Chicken
(Brian bought a rotisserie chicken today, so I need to use it by tomorrow)
- Mexican chicken - I simmer a can of black beans, a jar of salsa and a can of corn and an envelope of taco seasoning together on the stove. Once they are warmed & combined, I add chopped Rotisserie chicken. Then serve over yellow rice and top with shredded cheese.
- Brown meatballs in a skillet then add to a Crock Pot with a jar of good quality marinara. Let simmer on low for as long as you wish - preferably 4 hours at least.
- Cut open sub rolls, lightly butter and lightly toast.
- Place hot meatballs inside toasted sub rolls and top with Provolone cheese.
- Optionally: broil subs in oven to melt provolone cheese until bubbly.
- Bake chicken in oven (salt & pepper, olive oil, 325 degrees for 30-45 minutes)
- Cut into thin slices
- Take lettuce, sliced chicken, croutons and place in tupperware with lid. Drizzle with Ceasar dressing and place lid on tupperware. Shake vigerously to distribute dressing.
- Dump on plate and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.
- Thinly slice turkey sausage links (I use Pepperidge Farms)
- Brown sausage in frying pan with a tablespoon of vegetable oil
- Cook Zatarian's Jambalaya boxed mix according to directions
- Add sausage according to directions
I'd love to hear from you if you are using my menus to help plan your weekly meals.
Hope you all have a great Monday! It's a fresh new week, full of possibilities and wonder! :)
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Walmart Grocery Shopping: Day 1
I said I'd report back as to how my goals were going, and so far, I have:
So, here are some of my first impressions about shopping at Walmart...
1. I don't know my way around the store, so it took me at least twice as long to find what I needed. This is frustrating to say the least, but definitely something that can be overcome.
2. The prices are cheaper on pretty much everything. Plain and simple.
There was one item that was on special at Publix, so I told the cashier, "These pizzas are 2 for $10 right now at Publix, so can you price-match?" He didn't even say a word - or look up from his blank stare at his register - just nodded and typed a bunch of things on his keyboard until they rang up for $5 a piece.
3. There were a few things the didn't have. I was surprised to see the entire crate of avocados empty. Not one single one. I was going to ask someone in the produce department to check in the back for today's shipment, but I couldn't find anyone. They were also completely out of Hawaiian rolls. The whole shelf was empty. Again, wanted to ask someone for help, but there was no one in site. Apparently there was a huge avocado Hawaiian roll fiesta here last weekend.
4. It was convenient to also buy toilet cleaner, greeting cards, a birthday gift and some other odds and ends while I was there, and know that I was paying a lot less for those items than if I had purchased them at Publix, or even Target for that matter.
So, to sum up my experience thus far...Walmart wins in the price and convience category, but loses in the friendly, easy-to-find help category. I don't think anyone will ever beat Publix in the friendliness area, but at least I'm saving money, right?
I'll report back soon with my first book review and where I have been working hard at being more appreciative. Stay tuned friends!
- Started a book
- Talked to the leader of my Bible study group about the upcoming semester and my involvement in it
- Gone grocery shopping at Walmart
So, here are some of my first impressions about shopping at Walmart...
1. I don't know my way around the store, so it took me at least twice as long to find what I needed. This is frustrating to say the least, but definitely something that can be overcome.
2. The prices are cheaper on pretty much everything. Plain and simple.
There was one item that was on special at Publix, so I told the cashier, "These pizzas are 2 for $10 right now at Publix, so can you price-match?" He didn't even say a word - or look up from his blank stare at his register - just nodded and typed a bunch of things on his keyboard until they rang up for $5 a piece.
3. There were a few things the didn't have. I was surprised to see the entire crate of avocados empty. Not one single one. I was going to ask someone in the produce department to check in the back for today's shipment, but I couldn't find anyone. They were also completely out of Hawaiian rolls. The whole shelf was empty. Again, wanted to ask someone for help, but there was no one in site. Apparently there was a huge avocado Hawaiian roll fiesta here last weekend.
4. It was convenient to also buy toilet cleaner, greeting cards, a birthday gift and some other odds and ends while I was there, and know that I was paying a lot less for those items than if I had purchased them at Publix, or even Target for that matter.
So, to sum up my experience thus far...Walmart wins in the price and convience category, but loses in the friendly, easy-to-find help category. I don't think anyone will ever beat Publix in the friendliness area, but at least I'm saving money, right?
I'll report back soon with my first book review and where I have been working hard at being more appreciative. Stay tuned friends!
Sunday, January 5, 2014
This Week's Menu
I've broached the topic of menu planning several times on this blog. You can read about it here and here.
I am a firm believer that if you plan ahead for at least 4-5 simple meals per week, you will save money and decrease your grocery bill.
My dad has challenged me to start grocery shopping at Walmart this year. Did you know that they will match any BOGO deal that Publix has? I had no idea. So, I am going to attempt doing the majority of my grocery shopping at Walmart for the month of January. Then I'll report back and let ya know if I am going to stick with it, or return to my old "rusty trusty" Publix.
Okay, back to meal planning.
I thought it might be helpful to post my upcoming menu for the week in case you are looking for some simple meal ideas for your family.
Of course every family is different, and some kids are pickier than others (I'm fairly sure I have the pickiest eaters on the planet!) so adapt as necessary, definitely make it healthier if you kids will go that route, and please share with me any adaptations that worked well with your family.
Here's our menu for the week:
Crock-Pot Beef Stroganoff
I am a firm believer that if you plan ahead for at least 4-5 simple meals per week, you will save money and decrease your grocery bill.
My dad has challenged me to start grocery shopping at Walmart this year. Did you know that they will match any BOGO deal that Publix has? I had no idea. So, I am going to attempt doing the majority of my grocery shopping at Walmart for the month of January. Then I'll report back and let ya know if I am going to stick with it, or return to my old "rusty trusty" Publix.
Okay, back to meal planning.
I thought it might be helpful to post my upcoming menu for the week in case you are looking for some simple meal ideas for your family.
Of course every family is different, and some kids are pickier than others (I'm fairly sure I have the pickiest eaters on the planet!) so adapt as necessary, definitely make it healthier if you kids will go that route, and please share with me any adaptations that worked well with your family.
Here's our menu for the week:
- Ritzy chicken
- Broccoli
- Biscuits
- Crock pot beef stroganoff served over egg noodles (see below for super-easy recipe)
- Green beans
- Crescent rolls
- Mini Cuban sammies
- Black beans & rice (the boxed Zatarain's version, not my cook-all-day-homemade version)
- Deconstructed turkey tacos -
- I use the McCormick's taco seasoning & ground turkey, cook according to directions, then combine with shredded cheese rolled up in soft tacos for the kids. For me and Brian, I make a taco salad and serve it with whole grain tortilla chips.
- Corn
Crock-Pot Beef Stroganoff
- Spray Crock Pot with cooking spray.
- Dump in desired amount of raw cubed beef (usually it will be labeled "Beef for Stew" or you can get a larger cut of meet and cut it into cubes yourself).
- Season beef with salt & pepper.
- In a separate bowl, combine 1 can of cream of mushroom soup, 1 envelope of Lipton's onion soup mix and 1/4 cup milk, stir well to combine, then pour mixture over beef.
- Let cook on low 6-8 hours or high 4-6 hours. Beef should be fork tender when done.
- 20 minutes before dinnertime, mix in 1/2-1 cup of sour cream (depending on how thick you like your sauce).
- Serve hot over egg noodles.
beef stroganoff,
menu planning,
Friday, January 3, 2014
Setting Goals
Every January Brian asks me if I've written down my goals for the year.
And every year I say, "Nope."
I'm not sure if it's the fear of failure, or laziness, but I've just never wanted to participate in his "write down your goals" mentality.
But I think I'm ready to put on my big girl pants and do it this year.
Well...sort of.
See, when Brian writes down his goals, he has them all categorized and cross-referenced and filled out in fancy spreadsheets and such.
I'm just going to share some of my aspirations for 2014 and then come December, I can look back and see how I did.
My goals are not lofty. They're not unattainable. They're actually pretty easy. It's just putting some action behind the nagging thought "I really should..."
But before I share my goals for 2014, I feel I should back-track a bit and share the reasons behind them.
First off, for the past 10 years my brain has spent a lot of time thinking about babies. In every sense of the word. Like, "How many do we want, when do we want to start trying, why isn't this working, what do we do next, how long do we keep trying, what's the next step, now what, do we adopt, how's the pregnancy progressing, when do we try again, how much are we willing to spend on this, maybe we should try once more, now that we have two babies are we done, should we try for a third, what, when, where, why..." AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENOUGH!
Brian and I have prayed about it and thought about it and we gave it until Parker was almost 3 and we've finally decided...we're done. No more babies. His little "outpatient surgery" is coming soon.
So with that huge chunk of my thought process freed up, I feel like I am ready to tackle some new challenges for my brain. One of which, is reading more.
My first goal of 2014 is to read more.
Not magazines, not blogs, but real actual books.
I'm open to any suggestions you may have. I have quite a few that I am planning to reserve at the library, but if you've read anything recently that really knocked your socks off, please share!
I want to read one book a month to start. If I get into a good groove after a few months, maybe I'll up the ante a bit. But for now, one book a month feels "do-able."
My second goal isn't exactly structured yet, but the gist of it is, to spend less.
I already feel like I'm pretty good when it comes to saving money. I often buy the kids clothes and toys at consignment shops, I love finding good deals on groceries, we don't eat out very often, I don't shop at expensive stores. But somehow...we still manage to spend too much.
I think the cash envelope system that several of my friends do is really smart, but we use a credit card for points and flights, etc. so I'm not sure that will work for us. As I said, this goal isn't quite structured yet, I'm still working on the details. But I will definitely update you when it's taken shape.
I would however like to participate in one of the "No Spending Month" challenges that I've read about. Basically all you can spend money on is groceries and emergency items (like medications or if you run out of toilet paper). No eating out whatsoever, no Starbucks, no bouncehouse places with the kids, no Groupons, no nuttin'!
I'll let you know when I embark on this challenge and see if it's something you want to do with me. I'd love some moral support!
My third goal is more spiritual.
I've shared this confession with so many of by girlfriends: When I am participating in a face-to-face group Bible study, I do great sticking with my quiet time with God and reading the Bible.
However, if I'm not currently involved in a Bible study, I am lucky to read a couple of emailed daily devotions per week. It's not exactly quiet, meditative time with God, that's for sure.
When I think about all God has given me in this life - an amazing family, two beautiful, healthy children, a husband that loves me, dear, dear, treasured friends - I am sad that I don't take the time each day to just His word...and give Him thanks.
I am starting up a new Bible study in January with some girls from my church, so this will help tremendously. But my goal is to spend more quality time with my heavenly Father. Because I know that when I do, I feel more balanced, more grateful and definitely more peaceful. Three things I need more of in my life.
My fourth and final goal kind of ties in with the third one.
I want to be more appreciative in 2014.
I find myself taking life for granted a lot of the time. Days - even weeks - fly by in a whirlwind with school, play dates, homework, dishes, laundry, cooking, cleaning, and then starting it all over again the next week.
It's so easy to forget all of the amazing things in our lives.
From the most basic things like a house and groceries, to things like children and a husband.
All things that if I stop and think about it...I realize there are a lot of people - friends of mine - who do not have these things.
How did I go from crying out on my knees begging God to please give me another baby, to yelling at that same child because he spilled yogurt on the couch?
Stop. Take a breath. Assess the situation for a moment. Is it really something worth yelling about? Being mad about? Being resentful about?
Kids are kids. Husbands are humans. We all make mistakes. We all have our moments of ugliness. The truth is, there are so many more thousands of wonderful, joyful moments than there are times that bring us down.
I want to appreciate life for what it Not what I want it to be in 2 years, 5 years, 10 years. But right now. Blessing abound for all of us. We just have to look for them. Notice them. Appreciate them.
So, to recap, here are my goals:
1. Read more.
2. Spend less money.
3. Spend more quality time with God (reading Bible, meditating, etc.)
4. Be more appreciative.
Feel free to check in on me during the year. Ask me how it's going. If you see me snapping at my kids or husband, please just whisper "be appreciative" and hopefully I will be able to re-adjust my attitude.
I'm not saying I won't fail at times. I know I will. But I'm excited to have these written down and thought out.
Hey...maybe Brian was really right all along. Whatdaya know?
And every year I say, "Nope."
I'm not sure if it's the fear of failure, or laziness, but I've just never wanted to participate in his "write down your goals" mentality.
But I think I'm ready to put on my big girl pants and do it this year.
Well...sort of.
See, when Brian writes down his goals, he has them all categorized and cross-referenced and filled out in fancy spreadsheets and such.
I'm just going to share some of my aspirations for 2014 and then come December, I can look back and see how I did.
My goals are not lofty. They're not unattainable. They're actually pretty easy. It's just putting some action behind the nagging thought "I really should..."
But before I share my goals for 2014, I feel I should back-track a bit and share the reasons behind them.
First off, for the past 10 years my brain has spent a lot of time thinking about babies. In every sense of the word. Like, "How many do we want, when do we want to start trying, why isn't this working, what do we do next, how long do we keep trying, what's the next step, now what, do we adopt, how's the pregnancy progressing, when do we try again, how much are we willing to spend on this, maybe we should try once more, now that we have two babies are we done, should we try for a third, what, when, where, why..." AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENOUGH!
Brian and I have prayed about it and thought about it and we gave it until Parker was almost 3 and we've finally decided...we're done. No more babies. His little "outpatient surgery" is coming soon.
So with that huge chunk of my thought process freed up, I feel like I am ready to tackle some new challenges for my brain. One of which, is reading more.
My first goal of 2014 is to read more.
Not magazines, not blogs, but real actual books.
I'm open to any suggestions you may have. I have quite a few that I am planning to reserve at the library, but if you've read anything recently that really knocked your socks off, please share!
I want to read one book a month to start. If I get into a good groove after a few months, maybe I'll up the ante a bit. But for now, one book a month feels "do-able."
My second goal isn't exactly structured yet, but the gist of it is, to spend less.
I already feel like I'm pretty good when it comes to saving money. I often buy the kids clothes and toys at consignment shops, I love finding good deals on groceries, we don't eat out very often, I don't shop at expensive stores. But somehow...we still manage to spend too much.
I think the cash envelope system that several of my friends do is really smart, but we use a credit card for points and flights, etc. so I'm not sure that will work for us. As I said, this goal isn't quite structured yet, I'm still working on the details. But I will definitely update you when it's taken shape.
I would however like to participate in one of the "No Spending Month" challenges that I've read about. Basically all you can spend money on is groceries and emergency items (like medications or if you run out of toilet paper). No eating out whatsoever, no Starbucks, no bouncehouse places with the kids, no Groupons, no nuttin'!
I'll let you know when I embark on this challenge and see if it's something you want to do with me. I'd love some moral support!
My third goal is more spiritual.
I've shared this confession with so many of by girlfriends: When I am participating in a face-to-face group Bible study, I do great sticking with my quiet time with God and reading the Bible.
However, if I'm not currently involved in a Bible study, I am lucky to read a couple of emailed daily devotions per week. It's not exactly quiet, meditative time with God, that's for sure.
When I think about all God has given me in this life - an amazing family, two beautiful, healthy children, a husband that loves me, dear, dear, treasured friends - I am sad that I don't take the time each day to just His word...and give Him thanks.
I am starting up a new Bible study in January with some girls from my church, so this will help tremendously. But my goal is to spend more quality time with my heavenly Father. Because I know that when I do, I feel more balanced, more grateful and definitely more peaceful. Three things I need more of in my life.
My fourth and final goal kind of ties in with the third one.
I want to be more appreciative in 2014.
I find myself taking life for granted a lot of the time. Days - even weeks - fly by in a whirlwind with school, play dates, homework, dishes, laundry, cooking, cleaning, and then starting it all over again the next week.
It's so easy to forget all of the amazing things in our lives.
From the most basic things like a house and groceries, to things like children and a husband.
All things that if I stop and think about it...I realize there are a lot of people - friends of mine - who do not have these things.
How did I go from crying out on my knees begging God to please give me another baby, to yelling at that same child because he spilled yogurt on the couch?
Stop. Take a breath. Assess the situation for a moment. Is it really something worth yelling about? Being mad about? Being resentful about?
Kids are kids. Husbands are humans. We all make mistakes. We all have our moments of ugliness. The truth is, there are so many more thousands of wonderful, joyful moments than there are times that bring us down.
I want to appreciate life for what it Not what I want it to be in 2 years, 5 years, 10 years. But right now. Blessing abound for all of us. We just have to look for them. Notice them. Appreciate them.
So, to recap, here are my goals:
1. Read more.
2. Spend less money.
3. Spend more quality time with God (reading Bible, meditating, etc.)
4. Be more appreciative.
Feel free to check in on me during the year. Ask me how it's going. If you see me snapping at my kids or husband, please just whisper "be appreciative" and hopefully I will be able to re-adjust my attitude.
I'm not saying I won't fail at times. I know I will. But I'm excited to have these written down and thought out.
Hey...maybe Brian was really right all along. Whatdaya know?
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