
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chicken Parisienne - A Recipe

This week has been busy, but in a fun way. I've had the opportunity to watch several of my friends' kiddos throughout the week, which I love. It not only gives my kids an automatic playmate, it actually gives me a break too. I always say, having other kids over is like subtraction by addition. Does that make any sense?

Anywho... the point I'm trying to make is that by being busy all week, I've been relying on the Crock Pot almost every night. No wait, I just looked at my menu, and I have in fact used it every single night. And one of my "go to" Crock Pot recipes is one that I can't believe I've never shared on this blog before! It's been a favorite in my family since I was a child.

When I got married, my Mom gave me this Crock Pot recipe book, that I believe came with her first Crock Pot. Just look at this vintage beauty!
I just opened up the front cover to see if there was a copyright date (which, sadly, there isn't) but there is an introductory letter on the inside front cover from the woman who worked in the test kitchen developing the recipes for this booklet. And her first sentence says, "In all my years of experience I have never enjoyed such interesting and rewarding months as those spent testing this revolutionary slow cooker!" Ha! Ha! Ha! I love that they called the slow cooker "revolutionary." I guess that shows just how "vintage" this cookbook might be. :)

But I digress...

No matter the print date, this book is choc full of great recipes and one that my mom frequently made when we were growing up is called "Chicken Parisienne." You'll feel oh-so-Parisienne making it. Just kidding. I have no idea why it's called that. I think it's just a fun name.

Here's the recipe:

1. Spray your Crock Pot with cooking spray and place 3-5 chicken breasts inside. Liberally sprinkle with salt & pepper.

2. In a bowl, mix together 1 cup of sour cream with a 1/4 cup flour until smooth.
** It is very important that you mix these 2 ingredients together first, otherwise you'll have all sorts of flour clumps and you don't want that. Ew. ***

3. Then add 1 can of cream of mushroom soup, and 1/2 cup white wine to the bowl and mix until incorporated. 
*They also listed an optional ingredient of (1) 4oz. can of sliced mushrooms, which I bet would be delicious, but my family won't eat mushrooms, so I omit this ingredient.
4. Dump soup mixture over chicken in Crock Pot. 
 5. Then liberally sprinkle the entire thing with Paprika.
6. Cover and cook on LOW 6-8 hours. And voila! Chicken Parisienne!
I usually serve it over whole grain brown rice and spoon the delicious sauce that it makes over the top.Yum-O!

Give it a try, I bet you your family will love it!! Here's a rundown of the recipe again:

Chicken Parisienne

3-5 chicken breasts
1 can cream mushroom soup
1 cup sour cream
1/4 cup flour
1/2 cup white wine
1 4oz. can sliced mushrooms - optional
Salt & pepper

1. Spray Crock Pot with cooking spray. Place chicken in Crock Pot and sprinkle liberally with salt & pepper.
2. Mix together sour cream & flour until smooth.
3. Add cream chicken soup and white wine and stir until incorporated. Add mushrooms if using.
4. Pour soup mixture over chicken and sprinkle liberally with Paprika.
5. Cover and cook on LOW for 6-8 hours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Came across your blog, and am going to try this out!