My "baby" just started his 2nd year of Preschool (insert boo-hooing sound). I can't believe it. Fortunately, he didn't cry at all, which made it much easier on me. For some reason,
the idea of him being at school for a few hours sounds so great in theory. But then once the actual day arrives, I have a really hard time letting go. The thought that I am entrusting someone else to care for my most precious earthly possession seems... wrong somehow. But, I'm sure as the year goes on, and I get more comfortable with his teachers, I'll be fine with it. It's just the first week or so that seems to "get me" every year. Of course I took a million pictures, but only one turned out good. The family photo would have been great, but I had already taken about 10 photos of him at this point and as you can see... he's over it. The third photo is from his classroom. Since his class didn't have any trains, we brought in a bag of trains that we got at a consignment shop. The teacher was thrilled! Until of course she had to take the trains away because all the boys in the class were fighting over them. Oh well... we tried. .jpg)