
Monday, September 30, 2013

Chi Omega Reunion Weekend

I arrived home late last night after 4 days in the stunning mountains of North Carolina.

I spent a long weekend with eight of my Chi Omega sorority sisters from the University of Florida.

We laughed so hard I had a hoarse voice.

We talked for hours and hours... and hours.

We relived hysterical stories from college as we looked through old photos; shared funny and serious stories about our kids and marriage and work, and the constant struggle to balance it all.

And as everyone parted ways yesterday, I felt like I was not hugging goodbye my sorority sisters, but blood-related sisters. These girls have loved me through my "prodigal years" in college, stood next to me on my wedding day, cried with me over the loss of a pregnancy, and then celebrated with me through my journey to have children. Every step of the way, they've been right there supporting me. Loving me. They are so very, very special to me, and I want them all to know that.

So, to my "Toolshed" sisters, thank you for an incredible reunion weekend. I love you all so much and hope that we don't wait another 5 years to do it again!

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