It's almost 10:30 p.m. on Tuesday evening.
The house is silent except little scratches here and there from Mocha.
Everyone else crashed out early, so I just spent the past hour or so editing and uploading all of the pictures I took over the weekend.
It's a long, and sometimes tedious, process to go through the hundreds of pictures I take over the course of a few days. But at the same time, I find myself pausing on random photos, smiling - sometimes even laughing - when I see something that maybe I didn't notice when I originally took the picture. Sometimes it's an expression on someone's face; sometimes it's a moment that I had forgotten I had captured; sometimes it's just a sweet embrace between two family members that just makes me so happy for phone cameras... for without them, I would have only a fraction of the pictures that I do.
And although I would give anything for a big ol professional Nikon, my iphone has captured some pretty amazing pics this weekend. Tell me whatcha think...
As I shared in my last post, I hosted a baby shower at our house on Saturday, so Brian took the boys to his parents' for the day. It was a huge help to have the house empty all morning to prep for the shower, but even nicer to have a quiet house all afternoon so I could rest after being on my feet for 8 hours straight. :)
The boys were SO excited to go spend the day with Grandma & Grandpa. Here's a picture Brian snapped on his phone as they were leaving for their "Guys Day Out."
There was no shortage of fun that day, that's for sure!
They went to Payton's favorite breakfast spot when they arrived and then hit Walmart for a little toy shopping.
How precious is this picture? Good job Brian capturing such a sweet hug.
Then Grandpa to the boys out for some miniature golf.
Apparently that didn't tire them out enough, so Brian then took them swimming!
After that, Parker got his blanket and pacifier and climbed up in Grandma's lap for some snuggles...
and then...
He slept like this for over 2 hours! My poor Mom-in-law, her arm must have been killing her. They ended up having to wake him up because it was getting past dinner time and Brian needed to head back to Tampa. Nothing like napping in Grandma's arms. The best place in the house!
On Sunday after church we headed out to one of our favorite local beaches with some friends of ours.
We were waiting in line to get into the beach and Brian had his window rolled down with his foot sticking out the window. I looked back and Parker is doing the same exact thing. Mini-Brian!
Parker had a great time playing with his friend Nathaniel and of course, big brother.
Parker did not want to come out of the water, so he wasn't thrilled when I took this picture. :) |
My Dad sent us a "Memorial Day Care Package" with his famous "Paca-Corn" in it. So we made sure to bring it with us to the beach! {Thanks Dad!}
It was a beautiful evening and we stayed long after the crowds of people packed up and headed out, only to leave us with an empty beach and a spectacular show in the sky!
Stunning night sky. |
Monday morning, I was treated to a pancake breakfast made by the boys.
They were delicious!
Then we rallied the troops and headed up to our local pool with some friends to wear out the kiddos. It worked like a charm because Parker took a marathon nap and we ended up having to wake him up to go to our Memorial Day block party. Poor kid was so tired.
But nothing turns a cranky kid into a smiling one like giving him a special cupcake!
After the block party, we went to our neighbor's house for some swimming and sparklers.
It was a great way to end a fun-filled weekend.
Of course, even though we did do all of the traditional Memorial Day things like attend parties, eat hot dogs, and hang with family and friends, we also want to once again be reminded of the real meaning behind this holiday.
There are so many people who spend this day grieving over a lost loved one who gave their life for our country. The sacrifices that have been made are truly awe-inspiring if you stop to think about it.
So, thank you to all of our Veterans and current military service men and women.
Without you, our lives would look very different today.
We salute you.
We thank you.
We honor you.