
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Daddy's Pancakes

I love a laid-back morning. 
Love, love, love it! 
And I adore it even more when it's cold outside and my husband cooks breakfast. 
This only happens once-in-a-blue-moon. So when all the stars aligned this morning and it was really chilly outside and my hubby offered to make pancakes... well, this girl poured herself a big 'ol cup of coffee (with pumpkin spice creamer of course), put on her fuzzy slippers, turned on some country tunes and chilled out! It was heavenly. The baby even cooperated and took a 2-hour nap! What a glorious morning it was. 

And here's proof (mostly for myself so I can look back and remember this once-a-year occurance) that Brian really did make pancakes (chocolate-filled as they may be)...
Payton always helps make pancakes... he's a wiz with a spoon.
Of course they added chocolate chips to the batter.
An insane amount A LOT of chocolate chips.
See that grin... he's knows a sugar high is coming...
And here it is...
 Guess that's what happens when you leave it to the boys to make breakfast...
 Hey, you only live once. All those smiles were worth a little dietary failure. But there will be broccoli with dinner!

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