
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Random photos

I was going through my camera and found some funny, completely random photos that I wanted to share. These are in no particular order, but were taken over the past couple weeks...

Here is the crape myrtle in our front yard. It is in full-bloom, which is a sure sign of summertime!

And speaking of summer... the daily afternoon thunderstorms have begun. This stunning rainbow appeared over our neighbhorhood last week after a big storm and Payton thought it was a "beautiful painting from God."

Now that we don't have to rush off to school in the morning, Payton and I have had more time to relax and snuggle in our jammies. I savor these sweet moments with my rough & tumble boy!

And speaking of rough boy... when it was "Crazy Hair Day" at Vacation Bible School, he insisted on sporting a green "Ray-hawk". Everyone loved it!

Brian actually took this last photo and it was so cute, I had to post it! Hope everyone is enjoying the summer!

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