We're now doing baseball twice a week, Cub Scouts every other week, gym class once a week (for Parker), and our fall Bible study every week. So when we're actually not busy, I've been treasuring some down-time around the house.
I pulled out an old Thomas the Train set the other day for Parker. I didn't think he'd care much about it since he hasn't really shown an interest in trains thus far, but he played with it for quite a while. Maybe those hundreds of dollars of trains we have will actually go to some good use one of these days!
He really enjoyed ringing the bell on the train station the best.
Parker also decided the other day that he wanted to climb into the stuffed animal basket. He literally insisted that Brian put him in there...and then wouldn't come out. Who can blame him though...it looks pretty comfy in there!
It's been raining a lot this week. This morning, Parker and I decided to camp out on the couch in our PJ's long after the "big guys" had left for school and work. I sipped my coffee and he laid next to me watching Baby Einstein. It was one of those "this is awesome" moments.
Of course the calmness doesn't last too long around here. Before you know it, he's running around with big brother's ninja sword swatting at something - usually me.
We did actually leave the house this week though, in case you were wondering. We went to JoAnn's to look at their Halloween stuff (which is already 40% off by the way, because their Christmas stuff is out!!!).
Parker found this bee hat and asked me to put it on him.
Then he proceeded to walk around the Halloween aisles yelling "AHHHH!" at all the spooky stuff...with the hat on of course.
But once he realized I was taking pictures of him, he immediately wanted the hat off.
We also drove to pick up Payton from school the same day. This is a rarity, because if we go up to meet Payton, I always ride my bike. But it was raining this day, so we drove to get him. We got their early so Parker got to do his most favorite thing...
Get in the front seat and go through the center console.
He seriously gets giddy when I unbuckle him.
This particular day, he was obsessed with my lip gloss. Go figure.
Look at how happy he is?!?
With all this rain we've been having, I keep hoping it will bring some cooler weather. But no...

Still 92 degrees forecasted for Monday. Ugh! Can we PLEASE get into the lower 80's?
Sorry...didn't I promise not to complain about the heat anymore? Oops! :)
I'm off to find my raincoat for this afternoon...
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