
Friday, February 17, 2012

Big Boy Now

A couple months ago we got Parker a hair trim. It was not a hair cut. Just a trim around his ears.

Yesterday, it was finally time for him to get a real haircut. His bangs were in his eyes and the back had formed these adorable soft curls (Brian called it a mullet, but it was cute!) that frequently had old ladies calling him a "girl."

So, off we went to the Hair Cuttery! Yes, it's a very fancy salon next to our Publix and our stylist didn't really speak great English. But, it's where Payton had his first haircut, so it was where Parker was going as well!

I must say, he did really great. He thought the big chair was really fun. Plus, he got to look at himself in the giant mirror, so that was entertaining too. (This picture really shows how shabby his hair looked!) Even the drape was fun!


He sat very still through 90% of the haircut. The little old couple sitting in the lobby area were "ooo-ing and ahhh-ing" about how good he was being (of course I was beaming just a little bit). :)
And in the end, he looked great! But he looks like such a big boy now... no more baby curls. Guess it's time I admit that he's growing up.

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