
Monday, December 19, 2011

Some random iphotos

In no particular order, with no particular subject grouping, I wanted to share some pictures that I took with my phone this past week:
 First off, some fun at the park! Parker LOVES the slide, but he's not quite ready to go down on his own. So instead, he got 2 people willing to go with him!
 Arriving at the bottom...
 Always happy at the park!
 We even ran into one of Payton's best buddies from his Kindergarten class.
 That evening, Brian and I went to a Christmas party at a local country club. It was a beautiful evening and we had a great time getting dressed up and going out (or at least I enjoyed getting dressed up!)
 Parker has learned how to crawl up into the kid-sized Adirondack chairs on the back porch. He thinks he's hysterical when he does it...

I just took this one tonight while we were playing outside in the front yard. They all 3 laid down on the blanket at the same time and I thought, "PICTURE TIME!" Glad I did.
 Have a great last week before Christmas everyone!

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