
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Gators, Golf, Brothers and more...

The last week of summer was a busy one around here! We had lots of things to cross off our summer list and many friends we wanted to play with before we go back to our regular schedule.
Brian was fortunate enough to be invited by a good friend to go up to Gainesville to visit UF for a football practice and luncheon. As you can imagine, he had so much fun being able to go out onto the field and watch the new players practice.
Here they are in the tunnel where the Gators run out at the beginning of every game:
And here is Brian and his friend under the goal post:
The same weekend, Brian too Payton miniature golfing at one of his favorite spots. Even though it was very hot, they had a great time. Payton even got a special florescent green smiley-face golf ball!
Also, now that Parker can sit up by himself, Payton has become much more comfortable holding him on his lap. Parker thinks this is pure heaven being so close to his big brother. I think he'd stay there all day if Payton would let him! And of course I just melt watching them interact. It's SO sweet!!!


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