Awwwww.... isn't he just the cutest?!?!?
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
We've been having quite a struggle with Parker learning how to "self-soothe." He doesn't take a pacifier (despite me purchasing at least 7 different brands), and he can't quite coordinate his hands enough to suck his thumb. So... he still prefers to suck on my pinky finger, which is fine sometimes, but in the middle of the night, or when he wakes up during a nap... not so fine. Today however, I saw a very brief light at the end of the tunnel. It didn't last for long, and he didn't do it again for the rest of the day, but it gives me hope that someday soon, this is how he will happily soothe himself during car rides, naps and bed time...
End of the Year
It practically brings me to tears to think about the fact that Payton is "graduating" from Kindergarten in a little over a week. We've had the BEST year ever with Mrs. Scaglione at Westchase Elementary, and we simply could not have asked for a better teacher. He's had such a wonderful experience in Kindergarten, I am almost worried about the transition into 1st grade. Crazy, I know.
Mrs. Scaglione had the children put on an end-of-the year program for the parents and once again, she did an amazing job teaching them all sorts of songs and teaching parts. The theme was "America" and she even made t-shirts and visors for the children to wear. Payton did wonderful and remembered all his lines! Plus, he got to dance and do his speaking parts with his "girlfriend" Emily (see picture to the right).
My mom was fortunate enough to be able to come for the performance and help me out with Parker so Brian and I could turn all of our attention towards Payton. Of course, all the kids wanted to talk to Parker when we first arrived in the classroom before the performance started. It's so cute how infatuated they are with him (here I am in the picture to the left holding Parker in front of all the students)!
And of course there was a huge spread of food for all the parents and family to enjoy!
We were so proud of our little man and the incredible job he did. And we just can't thank Mrs. Scaglione enough for the incredible job she's done this year encouraging, loving, teaching and growing these children. We love you Mrs. Scaglione!
Mrs. Scaglione had the children put on an end-of-the year program for the parents and once again, she did an amazing job teaching them all sorts of songs and teaching parts. The theme was "America" and she even made t-shirts and visors for the children to wear. Payton did wonderful and remembered all his lines! Plus, he got to dance and do his speaking parts with his "girlfriend" Emily (see picture to the right).
My mom was fortunate enough to be able to come for the performance and help me out with Parker so Brian and I could turn all of our attention towards Payton. Of course, all the kids wanted to talk to Parker when we first arrived in the classroom before the performance started. It's so cute how infatuated they are with him (here I am in the picture to the left holding Parker in front of all the students)!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Mother's Day
As you can imagine, this Mother's Day was very special for me. It's the first time in a long time that I had a total sense of contentment on Mother's Day. I wasn't longing for something - or someone - who had not joined our family yet. I just spent the weekend enjoying the two amazing boys God has given me. They are both total miracles in my eyes and I feel so fortunate to have a special day each year to reflect on what it means to be their mother. It is such an honor that God allows me to be their Mama. And fortunately for me, they were very excited to celebrate me as well. Here's a little snapshot into the weekend...

We started off on Friday with Payton's Mother's Day program at school. Once again, his teacher went above and beyond! She had a whole breakfast set up for the moms complete with Starbucks coffee (love that woman!). The kids came and took us by the hand and led us to our seats where we had a special flower pot and a "Royal Declaration" declaring us the "Best Moms" complete with a paper tiara.
After we were seated, the kids all lined up in the front of the classroom and performed several songs and poems that they had memorized. It was so precious!
After the program, my mom and I took Parker out for a day of shopping and lunch at Nordstroms Cafe (my FAV place to eat at the mall). Then Saturday morning my boys all took me out to breakfast at one of my favorite little greasy spoon restaurants - delish!
Sunday morning, I woke up to all sorts of little goodies. An arrangement of flowers and a little cake that Payton had picked out and a little gift and card from Brian.
I had treated myself to a little Mother's Day gift the day before, which I excitedly dressed the boys in for church on Sunday... their 1st matching outfits! I mean, come on... how cute do they look?!?! Unfortunately, I was taking these photos by myself and couldn't manage to get Parker to smile and take the photo, so he looks a little "shell shocked" in the photo. But you can see how adorable they looked in their outfits.
After a nice, long day of lounging around the house on Sunday, Brian cooked me my favorite dinner - cedar plank salmon, asparagus and cous cous. Fortuantely, both boys cooperated and were asleep during our nice, quiet dinner. The perfect ending to a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. I hope you all had a great Mother's Day weekend too!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Parker videos
Some of you have been asking to see videos of our little guy. Here are some random ones that I've uploaded onto YouTube:
Dada's version of "Patty Cake"
Payton's version of "This Little Piggie"
Mama giving Parker lots of kisses
Monday, May 2, 2011
My Boys
So the other day, out of no where, Payton says, "I'm going to read Parker a book." I thought, "Well, isn't that sweet?!?" But I had no idea how much Parker would really, really love it. You could just tell he was so interested in whatever Payton was saying. It was one of those moments that I'll never forget for as long as I live. This is what it's like to have siblings... I always knew it would be amazing...
I love how Parker is looking at Payton in this one...
"This is my favorite part!"
"Whoh... I really like this page!"
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