I wondered if this day would ever come. For over 4 years I've dreamed, imagined and prayed like the dickens to experience another pregnancy. And finally, our prayers have been answered. We always knew we were working on God's timetable and not our own, but year after year it became harder and harder to understand why God wanted us to wait to have another child. And although the answer may never been 100% clear, I do know that in the past 4 years I have grown intimately closer to God and have strengthened my marriage and my faith like I never thought possible. So although thousands of tears have been shed throughout the process, in the end, I know it was necessary to go through the pain to get to this point.

So even though most of you who read this blog have already seen this first ultrasound photo (his profile picture), I wanted to post a couple more that I thought were particularly cool. I wish I could post the video the sonographer took during the ultrasound so you could hear all of Payton's little comments while she was pointing out certain things. Especially his reaction when she pointed out his "boy parts"... oh my, did that get a laugh!
The picture below is of his arm and hand. It looks like he's actually giving a "Thumbs Up" sign which we thought was so funny. As you can see the sonographer had fun writing things on the screen like "Go Gators! Beat Tennessee!"This next image is of his little tushy, leg, and foot, which is so clear, it's astonishing. I can't believe the things you can see on a sonogram these days. Modern technology never ceases to amaze me.
So there ya have it. Our little boy. Our miracle baby. Our gift from God. We can't wait to meet him in 4 more months! Thanks so much to all of you prayer warriors out there who never gave up on our dream and kept on praying right along with us. We love you all!