Why did this box of trains bring me to sobbing tears today? Well, it all started last week when Payton announced, "I'm just not really into Thomas the Train anymore."
What??? All that money we've spent on those trains! All that time searching for the ONE train that you didn't have and HAD to have for your birthday. All the energy and commitment put into the miles and miles of track that we've built throughout the years. But alas... he's "just not that into them" anymore.
I decided to make one last ditch effort to see if he truly was over them. So, Wednesday while he was at school I made a very elaborate train track in his playroom and lined up all 20+ trains in front of it. When he came home he ran into his playroom and said, "Oh my goodness! I LOVE IT! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" A huge smile spread across my face... until I realized he was holding his new Mario Cart lunchbox that I had set out on his craft table. He didn't even notice the train track!
So this morning, I got out a box and put all of his trains away. As I packed up each one, I could just picture his chubby little 2-year old fingers wrapped around his Thomas not wanting to go anywhere without it... he even slept with his favorites for a while. I could remember where each and every one was purchased (or when it was given as a gift). Before I knew it, I was a sobbing, crying mess. My little boy is growing up right before my eyes. He doesn't need me to build tracks for him anymore. He doesn't need me to help him go potty. He doesn't need me... oh wait... he's calling me from the other room as I type this because he can't get the windows to stay on his Lincoln Log house and he NEEDS ME to come help him. (Wish you could see the smile on my face now.)