Monday, February 3, 2014

The "No Menu" Menu For The Week

Hey y'all! Popping in quickly to say sorry that there will likely not be much of anything posted this week...especially a set menu.

You see this week, my first born son turns 9 years old.

And then my "baby" turns 3 years old.

WHAT?!?! Somebody stop time for a moment, please.

They are 6 years and 3 days apart, so the first week in February is a bit of a circus around here...not that I would have it any other way.

As you know, I love to celebrate holidays and birthdays are a no exception.

But as life usually does, it happens to be a week full of other obligations as well. Battle Book practice for Payton one night, golf on two evenings, my Bible study starts this week...oh, and did I mention both sets of grandparents will be in town on Saturday? It's a week filled with fun, celebrations, new beginnings, and excitement.

So please forgive my absence here on the ol blog. I'll be back next week with lots of photos and stories to share.

Until then, have a fabulous week!
Baby boy's 1st birthday and Payton's 7th.
Parker's 2nd birthday and Payton's 8th.

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