Wednesday, January 29, 2014

An (Honest) Update On My Goals

Remember this post from just a few short weeks ago?

I laid out 4 goals that I wanted to focus on this year. Four goals which I thought were fairly simple. Achievable. Goals that would help ensure that I wouldn't look back at the end of the year and say, "Whoh Stac, you really blew it."

So, almost one month into the year and I thought I'd give you an honest update.

Let's just say...I'm kinda blowing it.

Not totally, but I have certainly "fallen off the goal wagon" since those first couple of pristine weeks.

Here are the goals, along with how I'm doing on each one.

1. Read more: I've read one book. One. And it was short.

2. Spend less. I was doing really good until I went to Target a couple weeks ago. I literally got a text from my friend that said, "This is your friendly budget reminder: GET OUT OF THERE!" She was right. I should not ever go into Target if I'm trying to stick to a budget.

3. Be more spiritual.
This one is pretty embarrassing.
I've completely blown this one.
Yes, I do still read my daily email devotional, but I have not gotten up early even once to have quiet time with God.
A friend of mine told me the other day that she gets up at 5 a.m. every day to have her quiet time. My reaction... "WHAT?! How do you do that?!" She very matter-of-factly said, "Deep down I know that 5 a.m. is the only time I will actually do my quiet time. So I just had to make it a habit."

That inspired me. Big time.

4. Be more appreciative.
This is probably the only goal I can say that I've been good about. I have caught myself several times when I would normally have lost my temper with my kids and taken a moment to stop and remind myself that it's probably more me than the kids that are causing my bad mood.
It has caused me to be a lot more appreciative of my time with them. To not take the long days for granted. Knowing that some moms would give anything to spend all day with their little ones.

So since I feel like I'm focusing pretty well on appreciating the kiddos, my next area to concentrate on (in addition to the boys) is my husband.

I read a great blog post yesterday about how as husbands and wives we need to stop and remember who we were before kids. Here's a quick snippet from the post:

Ladies, there will come a day when your husband walks in the door and you do not turn around. You will be preoccupied with filling up sippy cups and wiping booties. You will shout over the running bath water, “Hey! Glad you’re home.” But it won’t mean what it used to mean. It won’t be full of eager anticipation to spend time together. It will be full of expectations to aid in the demands of the family. “Glad your home,” will more properly translate, “Thank God for two extra hands to help me.” And “Praise the Lord I might get five minutes alone.”
Ladies, there will come a day when you spend every last ounce of yourselves on your children. The demands of life and the babies will come before any other priority. What little of yourself you have left at the end of the day will be used to crawl into bed before someone is awake to need you again. The thought of doing anything else after the children are asleep will sound impossible and your handsome husband’s happy smile had better mean he is willing to get up with the baby and nothing more. 
The husband that once completed your heart will be just one more person who needs you. The charming things that you fell for will go unnoticed. The daily grind will become expected.

The post was such a heartbreakingly important reminder that we need to keep our marriages a top priority. Especially when we have kids. I strongly encourage you to take a few minutes to read the entire post here.

It certainly reminded me that I could use to be a lot more appreciative of my sweet hubby.

SO, in review... I'm not doing so hot with the first three goals. BUT, I am so glad that I have them written down. I am able to go back and read why I made them my goals. And what the purpose is behind them.

I am not feeling defeated.

I am feeling motivated.

And to help keep myself on track, here's my plan:

1. Read more: I just picked up a book at the library today by one of my favorite authors. It's called "Fly Away Home" by Jennifer Weiner. I am starting it today.

2. Spend less: I will NOT go to Target for the month of February.
OUCH! Did I really just type that?!?! Oh man, that's gonna stink. But if I can make it through the month of February, then I'll know I can do it. (I sound like a real addict here. Is there a Target support group out there???)

3. Be more spiritual: I start my new Bible study next Wednesday, so I know that will help keep me accountable. But I really want to start doing some morning quiet time. This is going to be very challenging, so please pray for me.
I want to start out doing two days a week of morning quiet time.
The kids get up at 6:30, so I am going to plan on getting up at 6.
Again, please pray for me that I can stave off the laziness and give God the time He deserves.

Thanks for listening.

I hope my honesty and desire to keep focused on my goals will help inspire one of you too!

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