Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Some Random Photos...

I was cleaning up my Picasa photos yesterday and found a few cute random Instagram pictures that I haven't posted. Of course, if you follow me on Instagram, you've seen all of these. So, if this is all a repeat to you, I apologize. For the rest of the gang... enjoy!


Parker and I went for a long walk the other day. It was one of those days that just seemed criminal to spend inside. There was a cool breeze blowing, but it was really sunny, so I wasn't hot or cold, I was just really comfortable.

When we go for these long walks, we talk about every little thing we see - particularly nature. Parker loves to watch squirrels scurry up trees and then look down on us while they dig into their acorns. He often tries to offer them a taste of whatever he's snacking on. It sounds something like, "HERE squoool! HERE! A quacker fo you!!"

This particular day, we spotted a beautiful Monarch butterfly. We watched it as it danced from flower to flower in our neighbor's garden. Then if flew off high above the house, just to come fluttering back down right in front of us. Parker's gaze never left that butterfly for one second. He was mesmerized!

And it made me realize... that Spring...is finally here.


We've been spending lots of time outside the past couple of weeks. Testing our our new vibrant sidewalk chalk (did you know Crayola now makes cube-shaped chalk so that it doesn't roll down your driveway? Brilliant!), teaching Parker how to blow big bubbles (and not spill all the bubble liquid out of the container - argh!), and playing lots of games.

This day, we decided to spread out a towel, and play Battleship in our driveway. I love this game, but it was even more fun to play it outside with the wind blowing and neighbors popping in and out to say "hello."
I played Payton first, and I lost. Then Parker took over. I'm pretty sure he won too.
One afternoon, following a day of torrential downpours, I opened up the sandbox only to discover it had turned into a mud box! The top had not been put on properly and the rain must have poured into it all night.

My first reaction was, "How in the world am I going to dry out this sand?!?"
Parker's first reaction was, "Ohhhhhh! Water!!!" He loved it. He drove his cars through the mud, made mud puddles, mud sandcastles and mud waterfalls.
Kids always have a way of putting things into perspective for me.

Payton and Parker have been playing together a lot more recently, which is awesome for me. Especially during the "witching hour" between 5-6 p.m. when they're hungry and tired, and I'm trying to make dinner.

On a few occasions I have realized how quiet it was and then noticed they were happily playing or sitting next to each other watching TV.
On this night in particular, they were laughing and talking and having such a great time, I didn't want them to see me taking their picture for fear I might interrupt what was going on. So, I just cracked the door a bit to sneak a peek into their brotherly love.

That's all I got for today. Hoping to get some new projects going on around here soon so I can share some ideas on the blog. If there's anything you'd like to see, or topics you'd like me to hit on, please leave me a comment below. I'd love to hear from ya!

Have a great "hump day!"

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