Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Weekend

Let me start off this post with a dose of reality.

While the pictures that I have chosen to share of our weekend will make it look like it was the most perfect Beaver-Cleaver Easter that ever was... I am writing this on about 5 hours of sleep because my oldest child was up puking his guts out all night last night.

So take heart, even though we had a fantastic weekend, I too live in a world of up's and down's. And right now, I am definitely feeling a bit low on the happiness scale. But let's focus on the good times, shall we?

We kicked off the festivities on Friday afternoon at a friend's house for a kids Easter party. They had an egg hunt, an egg-spoon race, pin-the-tail-on-the-bunny, cookie decorating, and a trampoline! Need I say more?
He LOVES the trampoline!

Egg spoon race!
Parker & his buddy hunting for eggs.
He was so proud of his loot.

That night Payton had a sleepover party so Brian, Parker and I went to Good Friday service at church. It was so incredible. The worship music was out of this world! The message was just what I needed to hear, and God was so present in that service. It was just what we needed to kick off our Easter weekend.

Saturday morning, my parents arrived. Parker adores all of his grandparents, but he seems to be going through a phase with my Dad (whom he calls Paca) right now because he didn't want him to be out of his sight! He was quite attached to him all weekend.
Side note: doesn't my Dad look awesome? He has lost an incredible amount of weight over the past 6 months or so by eating healthy and exercising twice a day. He's like a new man! SO proud of  you Dad!! :)

Saturday afternoon my Dad went to have lunch with his old personal trainer who recently moved to Tampa, so we took my mom out for lunch to a restaurant located at an old marina, and then headed to a great park on the water.

The boys loved watching the seagulls & looking over the deck at lunch.
This park was SO much fun.

This was the view at the park:
This boy loves his Nana!

No time for downtime though!
When we got home, we started dying our Easter eggs.

Dying eggs with a 2-year old is the epitome of multitasking!

I just love dyed Easter eggs. They're so pretty.
When my Dad got back, he and my mom took Payton to their hotel for some one-on-one time, while Parker rested at home.
Then we reconnected back at our house later that evening and went out to dinner (that's a whole 'notha story for a whole 'notha time... let's just say we didn't eat where we had planned, we got stuck in a major traffic jam, and Parker was soaking wet by the time we got home. Long story.)

The boys were exhausted, and we called it an early night so they could get some sleep.

Bright & early the next morning, Payton was up and ready to rock.
We quietly turned on a pot of coffee and snuggled back in bed while reading the Easter story in the Bible.
Soon after, Parker awoke and the boys were ready to hunt for eggs and see what kind of treats they got in their Easter baskets!
Bags in hand... let the hunt begin!
The Easter bunny must have used a ladder this year!
 Then, Payton found the "Golden Egg!"
It was filled with candy, money & a Starbucks gift card! (I knew I liked that Easter bunny)

They loved all of the goodies in their baskets.

Checking out their baskets.

The stuffed bunnies were a big hit!
After some time at the hotel with Nana & Paca, everyone came to church and enjoyed a beautiful service followed by an outdoor egg hunt... complete with the Easter bunny!


Sorry, my phone camera was acting up.
After church, my parents headed back to their house and we enjoyed a quiet afternoon at home.
Parker took a 3-hour nap and I even snuck in a brief nap myself!

Last night we watched the conclusion of the Bible TV series.
I cried like a baby.
It's not like I don't know how the story ends, but just watching it broke my heart all over again.
And then it made me feel so hopeful. And happy. And excited.

Our Easter was full of exciting egg hunts, family time, and LOTS of candy. 
But most important of all, it was filled with the message of Jesus.
"Go and make disciples of all nations" He said.
Amen...and amen.

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