Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Zoo

While the weekend definitely had a dark cloud hanging over it with the sad news our nation was hearing, we felt that it was important for our family to continue on with our plans that we had made to visit the zoo.

Yes, that sounds a bit trite, but at the same time, this horrific tragedy made me want to embrace life on a whole new level.

It made me want to snuggle with my kids longer, play with them without the distraction of my iPhone, look them in the eyes and say "Do you even know how much I love you???" and spend time together as a family enjoying little every day things.

So, Friday night, we let the kids stay up late while we all cuddled on the couch. Then, we let Payton sleep in our bed. And Saturday morning, we went to the zoo. A simple little day trip to a mediocre zoo. But the reality of it was... we were together. As a family. Enjoying each others company with no computers, cell phones, or TVs. It was beautiful.

I created a little video to share our special time.
Zoo Visit Dec 2012 from Stacy Heckman on Vimeo.

And so tonight, as I try to avoid viewing the disturbing headlines and images on the internet, I am once again reminded that we have no guarantee of tomorrow.

I read something the other day that said, "What would your life look like tomorrow, if you only had what you thanked God for today?"

That's something to think about, eh?

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