Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Little Elf Inspiration

Apparently Percy the Elf has given Payton a little inspiration.
Payton decided to write a book based on an Elf, but in a diary format (picture "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" meets "Elf on a Shelf"). He worked all weekend creating his story, finding pictures on the internet for illustrations, and printing out each page at a time for us to read and review.

Now the he is finished, he has decided to spend his own money to make color copies for certain family members. So, here's a little peek at what it looks like in raw format. I'll post a picture of the finished product once it's completed.

And speaking of Percy, Payton also left a note for Percy asking him if he was on Santa's "Good list." So Percy flew back to the North Pole last night and returned here this morning:

On the arm of our Santa figurine with a special note tucked under Santa's arm.

This is what was inside the scrolled note:
A letter to Payton from Santa himself!!! Even on authentic Santa Claus letterhead!!

The note said that Payton is in fact on the "Good list" right now, but that there are still 7 days until Christmas, so he needed to be sure to continue his good behavior.
Payton really loved getting a special note from Santa... maybe your kids would too. ;)
In other Christmas news, Payton totally stole our neighbor's Santa hat yesterday and was wearing it all over the house. He looked SO cute! But of course I couldn't get a good picture.


We also received an early Christmas present from my brother & sister-in-law.
Oh, we didn't open the actual gift.
The "present" was the box it came in.
This is the stereotypical situation where the child is in love with the box, and hasn't asked once about the wrapped gift that came inside the box.
Parker has made a little play area in this box every. single. day since it arrived.
I've had to duct tape the sides back together multiple times already.
And yesterday, I found both boys in the box eating their snack together.
Kids...gotta love em.

One last Christmas item.
Did you see the Elf on the Shelf movie that aired last Friday night?
It was SO cute!
We went to our church volunteer party that evening...
...and then after the boys were bathed and Parker was put to bed, the 3 of us snuggled up on the couch and watched the movie together. Payton loved it of course.
And I was the lucky recipient of homemade hot chocolate. 
I have no idea what all he put in it (probably whole milk and Hershey kisses) but it was GOOO-od!
I'm off to buy a few more gift cards to complete my Christmas shopping. Feels good to almost be done... and to know that we stuck to our guns about buying minimal gifts this year. 
Happy final shopping days everyone!

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