Thursday, September 13, 2012

Recent pictures

It's hot today. Not like, "It's warm out here, think I'll get an iced tea." It's more like, "OH MY GOODNESS, I'm sweating and all I did was go out to get the mail!" Why is it still 90 degrees in the middle of September? Oh wait...I live in Florida. That's right. Well, all I'm sayin' is that this girl would really, really like a cold front. Seriously God... please? Pretty please?? With a cherry on top???

Now that I'm done ranting about the obnoxiously hot weather, here are some recent pics...

One of our favorite things to do on the weekends is go for family bike rides. There are so many wonderful little neighborhoods to explore nearby, not to mention the park, West Park Village, and the fountain. Of course the little guys always ask to go to Starbucks because they like to get a little treat while we're enjoying our coffee. I imagine this will get even more enjoyable in the coming months when it's cooler out and I can actually order a hot coffee and not an iced coffee because I'm sweating (sorry, promise not to mention the hot weather again).

Here they are with a "cake pop" and a cookie. And yes, they have matching shorts on. And yes, they are Chicago Bears colors. This was the only way Brian would allow them to go out in public with him in matching clothes. (Just kidding, but I'm sure he feels this way deep down). :)

In keeping with the "sweets" topic, we had a taste test this week. Have you seen these:
Personally, I'm not a huge fan of Oreos (something about the crisco filling that doesn't appeal to me). But all my boys love them, so I figured I would get these as a little fall treat.

Parker tried it first:
Look at how excited he is!

 This is his baby sign language for "Thank You."
So...Parker's vote: "GOOD!" 
(There's a reason we call him the garbage disposal)
Then it was Payton's turn.
Excitement at first...
Then he examines the packaging...
Takes a bite...
And then...
threw the cookie in the trash.
Payton's vote: "NOT GOOD."
Why mess with success Oreo? Just stick to what you know and do chocolate cookies & plain white cream filling.

And speaking of feeding your kids super healthy stuff...
This is what Parker had for breakfast one morning this week.
No joke.
He's had a cold and hasn't had much of an appetite. He saw these Fritos in the snack bin and grabbed them insisting he wanted them. I took them and put them back and he started crying, so I figured, the poor kid is hungry and this is the only thing that sounds good to him.
Okay, it won't kill him. 
And dang if that boy wasn't so happy eating them!

Here's another pic that I posted on Facebook last weekend of Brian & Parker cuddled up watching football together. Aren't they cute???

I could post a bunch more random photos, but I'll save some for later.
Have a great weekend everyone.

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