Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Birthday Post - Part 2

Yesterday was Brian's birthday, and although we will always have to contend with the sadness & remembrance of 9/11 on his special day, I think we managed to make it a nice celebration for him.

He got lots of wonderful cards from loved ones, and the cake that the boys made turned out really great!

Since Brian had to work all day, we celebrated in the evening by going out to dinner as a family.
 Even Parker was particularly well behaved (he must have known it was daddy's birthday).
When we got home, we sang Happy Birthday and enjoyed the yummy cake!
(Parker couldn't take his eyes off the candles)
Then everyone worked together to blow them out:
Note to self: when you cover a cake with powdered sugar...don't let 3 people blow out the candles.
Parker was so confused by all the white sugar dust on the table.
After that, I couldn't get a good picture to save my life. 
These boys were in full silliness mode!

It was a wonderful evening to celebrate our favorite man of the house! We love you Brian!

Oh...and this is how I found Payton a couple hours later, sleeping in bed.
Maybe cake right before bedtime makes you sleep upside down?!?!

1 comment:

  1. I love how Payton is holding Parker's hands from grabbing the cake. Classic.
