Thursday, April 5, 2012

Resurrection Eggs

I wish I had posted this earlier in the Easter season so that any of you mommies out there would have had time to go purchase these. However, it will give you a good idea for next year (and you might be able to find them on clearance next week at your local Christian store).

A good friend of mine told me about these Resurrection Eggs. (Thanks Alexis!)
They are such an amazing teaching tool for kids. I think Payton is at the perfect age right now to really "GET" what we are teaching him each day.
 Basically, there is a booklet that comes with the eggs and each day you read a different Bible passage related to Jesus' journey the week leading up to his resurrection. Then you open one of the eggs and there is a "surprise" inside that relates to the passage.
 For example, the first day was about how Jesus asked the disciples to go and get a donkey for him to ride into Jerusalem. Inside the egg, was a little plastic donkey. Today's lesson was about how Pilot ordered his people to flog (or whip) Jesus until he bled. Inside the egg was a little piece of leather to represent the whip. 
(This photo shows the day when they discuss the Crown of Thorns, so there is a little crown of thorns inside the egg)
 Some of the lessons are simple, but some of them require a lot of explanation and discussion. It was very eye-opening to discuss with Payton why Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 silver coins. And then today trying to explain the brutality of what Jesus went through when he was beaten to near death...even though he was innocent.

I think it's vitally important that our children learn that Easter is not about jelly beans and bunnies. This "holiday" has been turned into such a fluffy celebration of Spring. Instead of acknowledging the sacrifice that really took place this week so many thousands of years ago.

If you aren't familiar with the story, Click here. I'm warning you that this is very graphic and not meant for small children. But it is a good reminder that Jesus DIED this week. A brutal, unthinkable death. For US. He took on all the shame, guilt and sin that we commit as flawed humans and died for us.

Yes, Easter is also a HUGE celebration of life. Resurrection! It's the most incredible story in history. So, once we can grasp the seriousness of the week leading up to Easter. We should absolutely celebrate on Easter Sunday because He lives!

So, if you can run out to your local LifeWay or Christian book store, I highly recommend it. These eggs are more than just a fun Easter tradition. They teach the real meaning of Easter.

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