Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Extravaganza!

We had such a fun-filled Easter weekend!
It started off with a visit from Brian's Dad on Friday afternoon. It was his birthday and they went to the opening day Rays baseball game.
  Then Friday evening, we went to an amazing Good Friday service at our church. The music was so outstanding! Plus, they had the Lord's Supper and baptisms. What a way to start off the special holiday weekend!

On Saturday, we started off the morning with Payton's baseball game. Again, he had a few great hits, and he even got to play catcher!
 After the game, we returned home to dye some Easter eggs.
Since Parker is a little young to help out with the dying process, we let him put stickers on a plastic egg. Payton, however, is a master at dying eggs!
Just look at that concentration!
A great time was had by all!
Later that afternoon, we went over to our neighbor's house to watch the Gator's Orange & Blue football game. The kids swam for hours and the adults enjoyed some yummy food, poolside. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of this, because Brian and I were busy chasing Parker all over the place! He has NO fear when it comes to pools. He tried to perform a special Easter miracle for everyone by walking on water like Jesus. Unfortunately, it didn't work out so well for him. Needless to say, we're going to have to be really careful around pools this summer.
The boys crashed the minute we got home and slept very well... until around 5 a.m. when Payton was ready to start the Easter egg hunt!
He got to go on an egg scavenger hunt again finding clues & candy in each egg until he found his Easter basket.
Payton would read his clues & Parker would eat what was inside:
(I'm pretty sure he has a mouthful of jelly beans in this picture).
The silly bunny even put one in the hammock in the back yard!
 The boys were very excited to finally open their baskets and gifts from their Grandparents.
After the sugar rush wore off and the boys had a hearty breakfast, we headed off to church.
Look how handsome they are!!!
The service was amazing, once again. And they had huge egg hunts after both services. The kids were in heaven (pun intended). :)
 That evening, we went over to a friend's house for a beautiful Easter dinner.
(Thanks Tony & Claudia!!)
She's so creative with her tablescapes!
After a delicious dinner, lots of fun, and a heavenly carrot cake, we headed home...full and tired from a weekend of fun.
Hope you all had an awesome Easter as well. It's time to rejoice, for HE HAS RISEN!!!

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