Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Phew! Busy, busy, busy!

In my last post, I shared the big news that we adopted a foster doggie named Harry Carey (Brian's idea to name him after the famous Chicago baseball announcer).

Since Harry arrived at our house things have been busy, busy, busy! And he seems to be adapting to our lifestyle very well... except for sleeping through the night. That one we're still working on (insert snoring sound)...

But I wanted to take a few moments to document a big weekend we had a couple weeks ago.

Both Brian and Payton finished their first triathlons!

I cannot tell you how proud I was of my two guys!

Brian's race was a sprint triathlon so he swam a 1/4 mile in open water, then biked 12 miles and finished it off with a 5K. I was so impressed with his time and his stamina. He did so well!

The kids and I had so much fun cheering him on at each of the transition sites. 

The race started with the swim portion - which would probably be most challenging for me - but Brian actually did his best time in the swim.

Then the bike section felt like it flew by (although I'm sure it didn't to Brian!). I didn't get any pictures of him on his bike because he came and went so fast it was hard to keep track of where he was!

But we did get him crossing the finish line and as you can tell, I was a tad bit excited. :)

The boys were so happy to see their daddy at the finish line, and we were all so proud of him!

Payton's race was the next morning, so once again we were out of the house before the sun and on the road to the race site.

His race was a YMCA kid's race and it was a 100 yard swim in the pool, a 2 mile bike ride and then a  1/2 mile run. Parker was so excited to cheer on his big brother.

So we get there and we waited. And waited. And waited some more.
Then the race finally starts and the storms roll in.
They were just about to start Payton's age group when... they delayed the race due to weather.

So we waited and waited and waited some more.
Then they said they would be resuming the race in about 30 minutes.

Thirty minutes passes and then we hear thunder.

Race cancelled.

Poor Payton was so upset.

He was so mentally and physically prepared to complete the race that it was so upsetting to him that it was over before he even got to start.

But the ever positive husband of mine had a great idea.

He suggested that we drive back to our community and see how the weather was there. Maybe our community pool would be open?

So, that's just what we did. And ya know what? That sweet boy completed his triathlon all by himself!

He swam 100 yards in the pool...

Then rode 2 miles on his bike (in the rain with his sweet daddy by his side!)

And then ran a full mile around the neighborhood...

Needless to say, we were all extremely proud of him for not giving up and finding a way to finish his race!

I'm wondering if these boys have now caught the "triathlon bug?" Brian says he would like to do another one again now that he knows how the races are run, but Payton is content to run our community's 5K with me on Halloween morning. Time to start training!

So between the races, having a new dog, trying to sleep train him (which is TOUGH), Brian's birthday, finishing up the bathroom renovation, and starting a couple of after-school programs, we've been BUSY! 
Brian's birthday dinner and comedy show with our good friends.
But no complaints here. They are all wonderful things keeping us busy. 

So now you'll have to excuse me as I go make a third cup of coffee so I can attempt to stay awake during Payton's Cub Scout meeting tonight. :)

Hope you all are enjoying the first few days of fall and actually enjoying some fall-like weather for me!

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