Monday, February 9, 2015

Boys' Birthdays & Monster Jam


Both boy's birthdays in one week is becoming increasingly exhausting as they get older. But I'm definitely not complaining, because we had so much fun celebrating these two amazing kids.

Payton's birthday was Wednesday, so on Tuesday night we decorated the house, blew up balloons and put streamers on his bedroom door. I love having them wake up to an instant party!

 Of course Brian brought home some special donuts for the birthday boy!
It was a fun morning indeed.
That afternoon, Brian and I joined Payton for lunch at his school.
We brought cookies for him to pass out to his friends.

That evening we had some neighbors over for dinner and cake. It was a wonderfully simple way to celebrate such an outstanding young man.

On Saturday, we got to celebrate Parker's birthday too.
We are very fortunate to have so many family members living nearby now. Brian's parents and brother, and my parents and my brother and my niece and nephew all came over for a birthday brunch. 

The kids had a ball hanging out with everyone and celebrating their special day.

That evening, we picked up one of Payton's good buddies and headed down to the Monster Jam truck rally at Raymond James football stadium.

We lucked out with our tailgate/parking spot. The family across from us had a bunch of remote control monster trucks that they were letting the kids play with (I think he had lost his mind!). The boys had so much fun playing with them!

 It wouldn't be a tailgate if you didn't actually hang out on the truck tailgate! And the birthday boy enjoyed a yummy cupcake.

Then, as the sun began to set, we headed in for the truck rally. I must say, as much as I joked about going to Monster Jam... it was actually really fun.
View from the top of the stadium. Amazing sunset.

They even had fireworks!

We all had so much fun. I highly recommend it to all families with young children. They were mesmerized the entire time.

And even though it was a busy week filled with present wrapping, cookie delivering, baking, decorating and entertaining... it was all worth it to see the smiles on my little guys' faces. They are my world and I feel incredibly blessed to be their mommy.

Now, somebody tell me how I could possibly have a 10 year old?!? That just doesn't seem possible! Oh well, time moves on... you just have to embrace the change and enjoy the ride.

Happy birthday Payton & Parker. I love you so very much!!!

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