Wednesday, May 28, 2014

It's Quiet 'Round Here...

Sorry for the absence here on the blog.

Life has been rich and full and very thought-provoking lately. So when that happens, social media tends to takes a backseat and I really try to focus on being present in my life.

Last weekend we hung out with some amazing people; had really meaningful conversations about life and current challenges we're facing; and it felt good to be vulnerable and honest and know that I wasn't being judged, or talked about when the night was over. Everyone should have people like that in their lives.

Of course we did the whole "beach thing" over the holiday weekend too, because... well, when you live 25 minutes from a beach and it's a gorgeous day out, you just feel compelled to do that sorta thing.

I took this one picture on the way in, and then put my phone away for the rest of the day (well, except to film some awesome duo-boogie-boarding my sons were doing).

We also had a date night on Friday evening. It was really great to sit across from my man for three-and-a-half  hours and still have interesting conversation (and a LOT of laughs). Sometimes spending $12 an hour for a babysitter kills me. But then we have a night like that and it reminds me that date nights are imperative... no matter the cost.
Photo courtesy of Payton Heckman ;)

On Memorial Day, we took the kids to a ceremony at a local Veterans Memorial Park. It was a beautiful program and I held it together emotionally for almost the entire event until a bagpiper started playing "Taps" and all the Veteran attendees stood at attention saluting the flag. Then I pretty much lost it. It was a pretty powerful moment to say the least.

After the program, we went to the adjacent park and walked down the long pier. We even spotted a huge family of stingrays. It was a pretty awesome moment.
And what Memorial Day would be complete without some sort of swimming, grilling, block party, etc? We did it all in a matter of about 3 hours. I love our little neighborhood. Such good people.

Between the shortened work week (which always throws me off and I think Tuesday is Monday all day until I realized I've missed basketball practice - oops!), and my oldest son home with a stomach bug today, my week has really been mentally confusing. All schedules have gone out the door. I had 3 cups of coffee this morning before it was 9 a.m. I desperately need to go to the store but can't because Payton doesn't want me to leave his side...

You get the point. It's kinda a hot mess around here.

But I stopped myself this morning as I was drying off after a hot shower, and I thought...

"Okay, yes, I'm tired from being up all night. Yes, I have a sick kid. But somewhere, someone today is going to get a cancer diagnosis...maybe even for their child. And here I am with two healthy (albeit a little ill) kids sitting on a comfortable couch, in an air-conditioned home, with all sorts of medicines and things to help my big guy feel better. Ya know what... life is good. Sometimes you have to choose happiness."
Bought this sign on a total whim last week. Best $20 I've spent all month.
 That's all I got for ya today. By the time this post goes live, tomorrow will be Friday. Where the heck did this week go?!?!

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