Monday, April 7, 2014

Phone Photo Dump

If you follow me on Instagram, this post may feel like the movie "Groundhog Day" because I'm basically just re-posting my photos with a bit of explanation behind each one.

Mostly, I am doing this because I don't want to forget these daily, common moments that make up my life.

I want to document them. Save them here in my virtual scrapbook, so I can revisit them when the kids are older. So, if it seems a little is. Sorry. At least I know the grandparents will enjoy seeing all of these photos again. ;)

I've been working hard at my 2014 Goal to "Be More Appreciative."

I'm trying not to let the little things pass by without giving them proper notice and appreciation.

For instance, last week Parker and I stopped at the park on our way home from an early-morning class at the YMCA. We were the only ones there. The park was totally quiet except for some rowdy squirrels playing tag amongst the trees.

I took a moment to capture it in a photo...
I so appreciated that moment.

I thanked God for the opportunity to stay home with my babies. For the quiet morning at the park with my little guy. For the crisp morning air and the warm sunshine that was just breaking through the tall pine trees.

That moment, as common as it may have been, was one that I wanted to acknowledge and be grateful for it's beauty.

So while many of my Instagram photos may seem like ordinary, mundane moments in life...sometimes those are the ones that leave the biggest impact on my heart.

Here's the rest of my photo dump...

My "Easter Lilies" are sprouting up from the ground. My mother informed me that they aren't actually called "Easter" lilies, but that's just what our family always called them because they bloom around Easter time (and because my mom posed me and my brother in front of them every Easter morning for a picture). Well, I can assure you that my kids will also come to know these as Easter lilies... because that's what they'll always be to me.
I was so shocked last week when Parker called to me from the living room where he had been happily playing with Play Doh and said, "MAMA! I made a P for Parker!"
It's amazing what their little minds can do. I was a proud mommy to say the least!

I took the boys and a couple of our neighbors out for ice cream on Friday. I love making memories like this for the kids. Of course now Parker keeps asking when we can do it again. "Very soon, little man...very soon."

We ended up playing with said neighbors well into the evening that same day. Gotta love laid-back Fridays. The sunset was so pretty that evening. I wanted to capture it in a picture with Payton, but mostly I just got the two of us in the photo. Oh well. I'd much rather have a photo of my increasingly-older-looking 9-year old anyhow.
The rest of the weekend, I spent by myself.

Yep, you read that correctly.

Brian took the boys to his parents and spent the weekend with them and I got the whole house to myself!!! It was so relaxing and mind-clearing. I really needed it. But by Sunday afternoon, I missed those boys something terrible! I was very happy to have my loud, crazy house back to normal that evening.

Thanks so much to my hubby and my in-laws for giving me a weekend to relax. It was very special and I am very appreciative!

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