Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter 2014 Re-Cap

It's the week after Easter and I have a bit of a "Holiday Hangover" if you will.

I don't know if it's the fact that all of the anticipation and excitement for Easter is over... or the fact that there's not another holiday in the near future to start looking forward to.

I'm a holiday junkie. I have issues.

Thankfully, I have lots of wonderful pictures from Easter to look through that make me smile.

Easter morning started off bright and early, as we suspected it would. Payton was awake by 6:15 so we pulled him into our bed and read the Easter story with him from his kids Bible. Then we prayed together thanking God for his forgiveness and sacrifice and for the promise of eternal life. It was all very peaceful and beautiful.

Then Parker woke up.

And mass chaos broke out.

The boys were running from room to room grabbing plastic eggs and stuffing them into their fancy plastic Publix shopping bags (their Easter baskets were still hidden).

The picture is blurry, but the look on his face was so priceless. He was so happy & proud of himself for finding eggs.

Payton found the special "Golden Egg" again this year. But from the looks of Parker's expression, it may be the last year Payton hangs on to that accomplishment. :)
And once all (at least all that we could remember) of the eggs were found, the boys went looking for their baskets. Once those were discovered... oh boy... the sugar consumption began!

Yes, he immediately ate the ears off that poor chocolate bunny. Can't blame him, Lindt is the best.

I didn't say anything to any of the boys in the house (including Brian) about buying the kids matching Easter outfits again this year. Much to my surprise and happiness, no one gave me any grief about it!

I mean come on... how cute are they?!?

We all attended church and then came back to our house for brunch. Brian's parents also joined us, which was so wonderful to have both sets of parents/grandparents there to celebrate such a special holiday.

The only bad thing about hosting, is that I was so wrapped up in prepping, cooking and serving the food, that I forgot to take any pictures of brunch. So, you'll just have to trust me that all of the food, including the asparagus tart was delicious, the mimosas served in Brian's late grandparents crystal champagne flutes were beautiful, and the table centerpiece with the home-grown grass and colorfully dyed eggs was adorable.

In the end, the day was filled with family...

...and really, what else could you ask for?

Happy Easter everyone.

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