Friday, January 3, 2014

Setting Goals

Every January Brian asks me if I've written down my goals for the year.

And every year I say, "Nope."

I'm not sure if it's the fear of failure, or laziness, but I've just never wanted to participate in his "write down your goals" mentality.

But I think I'm ready to put on my big girl pants and do it this year.

Well...sort of.

See, when Brian writes down his goals, he has them all categorized and cross-referenced and filled out in fancy spreadsheets and such.

I'm just going to share some of my aspirations for 2014 and then come December, I can look back and see how I did.

My goals are not lofty. They're not unattainable. They're actually pretty easy. It's just putting some action behind the nagging thought "I really should..."

But before I share my goals for 2014, I feel I should back-track a bit and share the reasons behind them.

First off, for the past 10 years my brain has spent a lot of time thinking about babies. In every sense of the word. Like, "How many do we want, when do we want to start trying, why isn't this working, what do we do next, how long do we keep trying, what's the next step, now what, do we adopt, how's the pregnancy progressing, when do we try again, how much are we willing to spend on this, maybe we should try once more, now that we have two babies are we done, should we try for a third, what, when, where, why..." AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENOUGH!

Brian and I have prayed about it and thought about it and we gave it until Parker was almost 3 and we've finally decided...we're done. No more babies. His little "outpatient surgery" is coming soon.

So with that huge chunk of my thought process freed up, I feel like I am ready to tackle some new challenges for my brain. One of which, is reading more.

My first goal of 2014 is to read more.

Not magazines, not blogs, but real actual books.

I'm open to any suggestions you may have. I have quite a few that I am planning to reserve at the library, but if you've read anything recently that really knocked your socks off, please share!
I want to read one book a month to start. If I get into a good groove after a few months, maybe I'll up the ante a bit. But for now, one book a month feels "do-able."

My second goal isn't exactly structured yet, but the gist of it is, to spend less.

I already feel like I'm pretty good when it comes to saving money. I often buy the kids clothes and toys at consignment shops, I love finding good deals on groceries, we don't eat out very often, I don't shop at expensive stores. But somehow...we still manage to spend too much.

I think the cash envelope system that several of my friends do is really smart, but we use a credit card for points and flights, etc. so I'm not sure that will work for us. As I said, this goal isn't quite structured yet, I'm still working on the details. But I will definitely update you when it's taken shape.

I would however like to participate in one of the "No Spending Month" challenges that I've read about. Basically all you can spend money on is groceries and emergency items (like medications or if you run out of toilet paper). No eating out whatsoever, no Starbucks, no bouncehouse places with the kids, no Groupons, no nuttin'!

I'll let you know when I embark on this challenge and see if it's something you want to do with me. I'd love some moral support!

My third goal is more spiritual.

I've shared this confession with so many of by girlfriends: When I am participating in a face-to-face group Bible study, I do great sticking with my quiet time with God and reading the Bible.

However, if I'm not currently involved in a Bible study, I am lucky to read a couple of emailed daily devotions per week. It's not exactly quiet, meditative time with God, that's for sure.

When I think about all God has given me in this life - an amazing family, two beautiful, healthy children, a husband that loves me, dear, dear, treasured friends - I am sad that I don't take the time each day to just His word...and give Him thanks.

I am starting up a new Bible study in January with some girls from my church, so this will help tremendously. But my goal is to spend more quality time with my heavenly Father. Because I know that when I do, I feel more balanced, more grateful and definitely more peaceful. Three things I need more of in my life.

My fourth and final goal kind of ties in with the third one.

I want to be more appreciative in 2014.

I find myself taking life for granted a lot of the time. Days - even weeks - fly by in a whirlwind with school, play dates, homework, dishes, laundry, cooking, cleaning, and then starting it all over again the next week.

It's so easy to forget all of the amazing things in our lives.

From the most basic things like a house and groceries, to things like children and a husband.

All things that if I stop and think about it...I realize there are a lot of people - friends of mine - who do not have these things.

How did I go from crying out on my knees begging God to please give me another baby, to yelling at that same child because he spilled yogurt on the couch?

Stop. Take a breath. Assess the situation for a moment. Is it really something worth yelling about? Being mad about? Being resentful about?

Kids are kids. Husbands are humans. We all make mistakes. We all have our moments of ugliness. The truth is, there are so many more thousands of wonderful, joyful moments than there are times that bring us down.

I want to appreciate life for what it Not what I want it to be in 2 years, 5 years, 10 years. But right now. Blessing abound for all of us. We just have to look for them. Notice them. Appreciate them.

So, to recap, here are my goals:
1. Read more.
2. Spend less money.
3. Spend more quality time with God (reading Bible, meditating, etc.)
4. Be more appreciative.

Feel free to check in on me during the year. Ask me how it's going. If you see me snapping at my kids or husband, please just whisper "be appreciative" and hopefully I will be able to re-adjust my attitude.

I'm not saying I won't fail at times. I know I will. But I'm excited to have these written down and thought out.

Hey...maybe Brian was really right all along. Whatdaya know?


  1. Sign up on goodreads…you can browse books and get recommendations there. My goal for this year is 25…1 down, 24 to go ;)

  2. This is really cool! I'm inspired.
