Sunday, July 21, 2013


I'm caught in this weird cycle right now where it feels like we're either moving at warp speed, or totally, and completely relaxed. There's just not a whole lot of "in between" going on right now.

In the past 3 weeks, we've been to North Florida, Long Boat Key and Orlando. Oh, and we have a family reunion quickly approaching. Just putting all of that down in words makes my head spin! No wonder my suitcase has found a nice cozy spot in the corner of my bedroom!

But during the travel, we've had so many incredibly relaxing days and nights. I've read more magazines and books and eaten more delicious meals in the past 4 weeks than I have in the past 4 months! So, despite the miles being put on the car, it's been a really fun month.

As I mentioned, I popped over to Orlando this week for a quick 24-hour trip to see my best friend Ashley and her kids who were in town from Texas. We had a great visit (sorry, no pics right now, Ash is going to email them to me when she gets home). And of course, the boys loved staying the night at Nana & Paca's... where the answer to any question is almost always "Sure!"

So to summarize the past week or so, here's what we've been doing lately...

Payton is doing a summer kickball league that started last week.
(That's him on the far left playing with his shirt)
 Finally...a sport he loves!
I guess it helps that all of his buddies are on his team.
 I've been shoving encouraging the kids to "get outside and play" (e.g. away from electronics) as much as possible. It's amazing what they come up with when forced to use their imaginations. Like this ramp made out of a boogie board and a shoe box.
 Finished up my school supply shopping this week. You can go ahead and hate me now.
 During the daily afternoon thunderstorms, we've been doing a LOT of Play-Doh.
Good thing we both enjoy it.
If you're ever looking for Parker and can't find him...check the stuffed animal basket. It's his favorite place to sit these days.
 The boys spent a lot of time in my parents hot tub while we were visiting.
(Yes, that's a lollipop in Parker's hand... safe, I know)
 And someone decided he wanted to try skinny dipping...
 I think he may grow up to be a firefighter. He LOVES the hose.

 My Dad took us all to see the new "Turbo" movie. It was Parker's first time in a movie theater, and he loved it.
These boys sure do love their Paca.
 Cuddled on the couch for bedtime stories. Melt my heart.

And this guy... well, we can't WAIT to welcome him home on Monday.
If Parker says "Mama, I wanna see Daddy" one more time, my heart just might break.

That's all for now. 
I'm planning to do at least one more post this week to share some reviews of my first Birchbox contents. It was like a little receiving a little Christmas present in July! So stay tuned for that.

In the meantime, please pray for Brian and his team returning from Haiti. For safe flights, for sound minds and for full hearts. We know they've made a huge impact while they were there, and we can't wait to put our arms around him again.

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