Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Craziness Continues...

I thought last week was my crazy busy week, but apparently it's going to last through the end of the school year. :)

There's just so much going on right now with end-of-the-year parties and award ceremonies, coordinating teacher's gifts, thank you gifts, finding childcare for Parker for multiple dates because of so many things going on... it summer yet?!?

Sadly, I am not full of creativity for the blog this week, but I do want to post some random pictures for the family members who read this. And I promise once summer hits, I'll be better about posting more interesting things... maybe. :)

Payton is already in full "summer brain" mode. He keeps forgetting to do things. Loses his train of thought. Daydreams all the time. And loves to irritate his little brother. Fortunately, the little guy can take it and loves to dish it right back at him!
For example...

And speaking of the little guy. Apparently he got a hold of my phone this week and accidentally pressed the button where you can flip the camera to take a self portrait. This is what I found on my phone when I opened up my photo album:

 What a nut!

On a completely different topic...
I had a bunch of fabric leftover from recovering my kitchen chairs (guess I didn't calculate the yardage properly - no surprise to those who know me. Yes Mom, I know you're giggling right now).
Fortunately for me, my crafty little neighbor who is a wiz at sewing whipped me up two throw pillows and a table runner!
Thanks Kristen - you're the best!!!

Yesterday Parker and I went to lunch with my good friends Jen & Cheryl for Jen's birthday. Lucky for me, Jen's favorite place to eat lunch is Nordstrom's Cafe. Lucky for Parker, you have to take an escalator to get there. He loves the "magic stairs!"
The excitement is almost palpable!
Okay, that's all I got for today. But I promise I've got some good recipes, DIY home improvement projects and summer kid activities to post in the next couple weeks. So stay with me folks and hopefully I'll post something other than pictures of my kids. LOL! :)

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