Monday, May 20, 2013

Just A Warning...

So, this is just a "head's up" that the blog will be very light this week.

Payton has a big biography project due on Wednesday where he not only has to dress up like Neil Armstrong, he has to recite a 2-3 minute speech about him and he cannot read it straight from a paper.

I already have anxiety thinking about making an astronaut costume and helping him somewhat memorize his speech. Ugh... is it summer yet?!?

I am also hosting a baby shower this Saturday, so this week I need to finalize a gazillion details and finish the shopping, clean the house, prep the food, plan the games, and... well... you get the point.

And let's not forget that I'll also be busy doing bunny stuff, and taking care of the kids, and managing the household, and oh, did I mention Brian will be out of town for a couple days too??

So, please forgive me this week if you rarely see anything on the blog. Promise I'll catch up soon!

In case I don't get back on here for the rest of the week, here's a very quick recap of the past few days...

Payton's school had an art show last week.
The school's art department set it up, and they did a great job!
There were students playing stringed instruments on stage, a huge buffet of nibbles in the back of the room and a zillion parents and kids running around proudly pointing out their black plastic-framed piece of art that was available to purchase for a mere $25!
It's a school fundraiser, so I had to buy it... right?

There was LOTS of bunny holding going on this weekend.
And LOTS of laundry.
 Mocha is slowly getting used to lots of people who like to hold her.
But she is also "marking" her new home.
I've washed more blankets & towels in the last week than I have in a month.
Fortunately, she seems to have stopped.
It's almost like she needed to "mark" her spot and now she's done.
Thank God.
She sleeps a lot too. I think the kids wear her out.
I know how she feels.

I also undertook a little home improvement project this weekend.
I decided to move forward with re-covering the kitchen chairs.
They were in DESPERATE need of new fabric.
And nothing pushes a much-procrastinated project to the forefront than hosting a party!

This baby shower has really got me moving on some updates to the house.

Disgusting old cushions:
Pretty new fabric:
One minor injury later
(P.S. a screwdriver to the forearm really hurts!)
But it was worth it in the end.
I love how they turned out.
Too bad no one is allowed to sit on them until after the shower. :)

Brian was out of town all weekend, so I was left to entertain the kiddos by myself.
Thank GOD for our neighbors who provided endless hours of swimming in their pool!

And when Daddy returned on Sunday, Parker would not let him out of his sight!
He missed his Daddy. So did I!
And then we spent more time at the community pool.
These kids are going to turn into fish this summer!

Nothing like a headbutt to say "welcome home."

Okay, that's all for now!
I'm off to make an astronaut costume.
Wish me luck!

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