Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Best Laid Plans

I've been away from the gym for two weeks.

First week away was because Parker was sick, the second week away was because of Spring Break.

Two weeks away and I swear my pants were feeling tighter and my energy was zapped.

"Back to the gym tomorrow!," I proclaimed to Brian on Sunday night.

Not so much.

Parker woke up Monday morning and didn't touch his breakfast. Strange. He was super fussy and clingy too (not so strange these days). Hmm...I wondered...could he not be feeling well?

20 minutes later he's pointing at his ear saying, "Ear hurt!" and then, he pukes up his orange juice all over the couch.

Not the wood floor, or the tile floor, but the couch. Fun times.

One morning of worrying that my baby had his 1st ear infection, a lot of time spent cleaning the couch cushion, and an hour-long pediatrician appointment later...he's fine.

I still didn't make it to the gym that day. Nor did I get to see my good friend who was in town for the day.

Instead, Parker spent the day in his pajamas and we laid low playing outside in the fresh air.
Oh, did I also mention that we missed our first swim lesson on Monday? My best laid plans for the day got totally thrown out the window.

The good news is, the rest of the week has picked up speed, returned us to our normal routine, and today is the first day of Spring! Yay for Spring!

Parker spent lots of time outside with his friends yesterday enjoying the warmer weather.

Lizard's serious business for 2-year olds.
And I got the most amazing bag full of fresh picked strawberries from one of our neighbors last night. They are SO much sweeter and delicious than anything I've tasted from the supermarket. Yum!!!

Now that it's Spring, here are some things I'm looking forward to:
  • Afternoon sun showers that produce just enough rain to make puddles on the sidewalks where the kids can splash around and have fun.
  • Rain boots. Enough said.
  • Watching and listening to the wide variety of birds that come to our bird feeders this time of year.
  • Seeing new life emerge - like the baby ducklings that always arrive in the ponds near our house in the coming months.
  • Visiting our community pools.
  • Freshly landscaped yards (something about the Spring encourages people to lay new mulch, weed their gardens and plant colorful flowers).
  • Warmer nights that encourage back porch dinners lit only by candlelight.
What are you looking forward to this Spring?

P.S. I did finally make it back to the gym this week, and boy can I tell that I didn't go for two weeks.

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