I think I subscribed to my first blog when Parker was born (2 years ago).
I was writing my own blog long before that, but it was strictly to create an online scrapbook for my kids and family.
Since then, the blog world has become like a sisterhood to me.
I anxiously read new posts from writers whom I strongly admire. They inspire me. They challenge me. They make me think about real-life issues that we all face.
I also love my long-time friends who keep family blogs like me. I treasure the new baby pictures they post and reading up on their latest parenting adventures.
But one thing that can really be dangerous in this virtual world, is envy.
Envy is ugly. It's evil. And it will steal your joy.
I try really hard not to be envious to other bloggers who seem to "have it all together."
They blog.
They do amazing crafts with their kids.
They work full time.
They have immaculately clean and organized houses.
Their hair and clothes are always on the cutting edge of style.
But I digress... I really, really try my best not to be envious of them.
Because as we all know, no one is perfect. We all have flaws. We all have shortcomings. We all have areas of our lives that we wish we could improve upon.
I know I do. (Lots of them.)
So, in keeping with this theme, I thought I'd share a little story about a Valentine's baking incident gone wrong. Learn from me people.
... A few days ago I read a post from one of my new favorite bloggers. She lives in Texas and does all sorts of fun things on her blog. I really enjoy every post.
She wrote about a "super simple way" to make Linzer cookies. You know, those delicious little sugar cookies with the jelly in the middle sprinkled all over with powdered sugar? I LOVE those cookies! And what better time to make some of these babies than Valentine's Day?
I followed her "easy" suggestion and bough pre-made sugar cookie dough to make the cut-outs.
Oh boy. Things went wrong very quickly.
The dough wouldn't roll out. It kept sticking to my rolling pin. Then when I finally added like 4 cups of flour to the countertop I finally got it to roll out. But I couldn't get the darn cookie cutters to work properly! The little cut-out hearts wouldn't come out and I ended up balling up so many of those stupid things and starting over. UGH.
Can you say "mess?"
In the end, I was able to salvage a few trays of cookies.
Of course, by the time the cookies came out of the oven, Parker's nap time was almost over so I was rushing to finish this lovely little project.Dust the tops with powdered sugar...
Fill in the bottoms with strawberry jam... check.
Sandwich them together and display on large red tray... check.
As I was finishing the last few, the baby was screaming calling "MAMA!" from his crib.
It was not the relaxing motherly baking experience I had hoped for.
But then, I got Parker up from his nap and excitedly carried him into the kitchen to see the large platter of warm cookies.
He was excited for sure!
Dove right in and picked one out...
And then he got very upset about how he had powdered sugar EVERYWHERE and jelly EVERYWHERE...
It was a mess.
Payton took one look at the cookies and said, "Oh, thanks Mom. Can I just have some pretzels?"
Brian said, "Those cookies were good but I don't like things with jelly in them, so I ate a plain one."
But not to be deterred, I took a plate of them over to a friend's house (since we clearly had more than anyone in our house was going to eat).
She looked at them and said, "You made cookies?!? Handmade cookies?!? MAN! You can do it all!"
What's the lesson here?
Well, my friend saw the finished product and thought it was all rainbows and daisies and I was a wonderful mother for making homemade cookies.
Little did she know that I practically threw my rolling pin through the window while making them, completely stressed myself out in the process, and then no one in my family wanted to eat them.
Just remember: not everything is as it seems on the outside.
So many of those "perfect moms" that I follow on blogs have bigger problems than me, but they surely don't publicize them on the internet.
Don't let envy steal you of joy.
Your life is probably far greater than you give yourself credit for. Find your joy. Find what you are proud of. Count your blessings - each and every one.
Oh, and today...
I made "break and bake" sugar cookies and topped them with Valentine's M&M's.
Guess what...
They were generic. And plain. And took all of about 2 minutes to prepare...
and my boys LOVED them! :)
Sometimes, simple really is better.
Cute post! So true!