Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Barf

What a gross title for a blog post, eh?

Originally I meant it metaphorically, in that I was about to throw up a whole-lotta-Christmas cheer into this post. But then I realized that a stomach bug has worked its way through half of our family this week, so the title really seemed all that more appropriate...and gross, so sorry for that.


Even a nasty stomach bug couldn't keep the Christmas good times rollin' up in here! Our Elf has been funny this week. On Wednesday morning, the boys found him doling out his favorite elf-sized Krispy Kreme "Junior" donuts. Complete with a tiny elf-sized note.

 This was the note (Percy has really sloppy handwriting):
 A little size comparison photo for you...this note was TINY.

Last night, Percy moved on to our Gingerbread house and was found digging in with one of Parker's bibs on! Sorry, no photo of that silliness.
BUT, speaking of gingerbread houses, I do have some photos of ours being created and they turned out unexpectedly funny.

I was just clicking away as Payton and his friend Avery decorated the gingerbread house with all sorts of candy & icing.
See? Cute pic of them working together.
Then notice the rest of the pictures how Parker stealth-fully makes his way from next to the table...
 To standing behind them on the bench...
To sitting between them on the bench...
To full-on decorating!
He's pretty sneaky, eh?
In the end, the house turned out cute...and FULL of candy & icing!
One other Christmas project I took on this week was to "Christmas-up" my front door wreath.

This wreath was a gift from my mom. She used to hang this wreath in the living room every year and I always loved it and commented on it. Then one year, she gave it to me. I still adore it and love to hang it during the fall. But this year, I wanted to give it a little Christmas cheer.

Here's the "before":
Beautiful wreath, right?

And here's the "after":
 I had ordered this monogram door hanger months ago, but it needed to be painted and then hung on something. Fortunately, I had just that "something" that it could hang on. I just attached it with some floral wire, so it can be easily removed. Then did the same thing with a thick red velvet wire ribbon.

I'm very happy with how it turned out! But if you know me, then you know how much I love monograms, and none of this really surprises you.

I think that's enough barfing dumping of Christmas cheer on you for one night. We've got multiple Christmas parties this weekend (2 of them I actually get to get dressed up!!) and a neighborhood block party where Santa will be making an appearance on a fire engine. So, no worries, lots more Christmas posts to come. Did I just hear a "sigh"...surely not! :)

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