Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Weather Makes A Difference

The tiniest bit of change in weather and I swear, everyone was in a good mood yesterday. Payton kept saying, "I love this chilly weather!" Which made me laugh so hard considering it was still 86 degrees out. But after a summer of 99 degrees, 86 was a major change!

We had our driveway/pavers/eves/sidewalks pressure-washed yesterday by the nicest father & son duo. I got quite a deal on it too, which always makes me so much happier. Then our new yard service came and did their thing. So, between a fresh, clean front yard and some nicer temperatures, all I wanted to do yesterday was be outside...which is exactly what we did!

First, Parker and I went on a nature walk to find some fall leaves.
He was much more interested in the little path he found at the entrance to our neighborhood...
 But we did have success finding leaves, and acorns, and all sorts of other crap that Parker picked up and put in the bag (he tried to put a dirty, old Cheese Doodle in the bag, but I had to draw the line there).
Fortunately, the leaves completed my little fall centerpiece for the kitchen table.
I love these striated pumpkins. I buy one every year. They're so fun to me!

Then the boys colored outside with chalk.
(I mean come on...that newly cleaned, white driveway was just begging to be colored on!)
And then our neighbor came over on her rollerblades, so Payton put his on as well and they played outside until it was time to leave for baseball.
 Let me tell you...it was such a nice change from seeing Payton on the computer or in front of the TV. I cannot wait for consistently cooler temperatures. These kids need to get outside!

Payton did great in his baseball game last night. (Sorry, no pics. I was too busy chasing little man around). He got 2 hits and scored once. But more importantly, he had a really fun time with his teammates.

This morning, I took Parker to Target and the little dude knows the minute we walk in that there is a Starbucks in the lobby area. He immediately starts making these "Ooooooo!!!" sounds and saying, "Pop? Pop?" Meaning: cake pop. It was only 10 in the morning, but I just couldn't resist...

I mean come on...look how happy he is?!?!

The good new is, he dropped half of it on the floor, so he wasn't too jacked up on sugar during our errands. :)

He was also quite excited when he saw this...
Crazy, right?
Christmas stuff out...already??? Oh well, it made Parker very happy. Even though he kept pointing at the reindeer and saying, "Moo! Moo!" He definitely thought it was a Christmas cow.

One last picture...
Payton got his progress report yesterday and he got straight "E's" - which stand for "Excellent!"
And no marks for behavior improvements. 
Awesome job P-dog!!! We're so proud of you. Keep up the great work!

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