Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fun Weekend For All

Payton got to go to "Camp Grandma & Grandpa" this weekend. 
He was in heaven.
As he says, "I get to get spoiled all weekend long! It's awesome!"

And that's totally what Grandparents should do in my humble opinion.
Let him stay up late, eat whatever he wants, do whatever he wants (within limits of course) and create memories that will last a lifetime. I love it!

So, while he was busy getting spoiled by his grandparents, we had a weekend alone with the little guy. And while I'm sure he enjoyed our undivided attention, he sure did miss his "Bubba."

Friday night, I did just what I said I would...nothing!
I made homemade pizza (half with mushrooms, half with sausage) that turned out really yummy!
(Sorry, I didn't get to take the picture until after Brian had cut it up & served out several pieces):
We ate pizza, enjoyed a delicious red wine (Cannonball Cabernet, in case you'd like to try it) and got caught up on a ton of new fall shows on our DVR. We are loving "New Girl" this season!

Saturday morning we rode our bikes up to the Village and got breakfast at the Village Market.
Parker got a bagel with cream cheese:
 But he was much more interested in his juice box.
 I got this delicious egg sandwich on an everything bagel. Oh, don't worry, I made sure they took out all the carbs, fat & calories. Ha!
And Brian got the egg, ham & cheese pressed sandwich on cuban bread.
(He's going to be thrilled with me for posting this lovely picture of him mid-bite. Sorry honey!)
 Then we continued our bike ride over to My Gym, where Parker takes his Saturday morning kiddie gym class. He LOVES it here!
They do circle time with songs and dancing. Then they have free play, which usually involves some time in the ball pit.
He acts so crazy in here, this is usually all I can get picture-wise:
 He did slow down for a micro second in order to get this picture:
 His other favorite activity is hanging from bars.
 After 45 minutes of non-stop play, we always stop by the fountain on the way out.
I'm not sure which he likes better, the class, or the fountain...
Between all the fresh air on the bike rides, the gym class, the fountain and the huge breakfast, poor little Parker was tuckered out! He fell immediately to sleep when we got home and slept for 3 hours!

I took full advantage of that time and did what I do best...shopped!
I hit the mall and actually had time to shop for, and try on, clothes! Too bad 99% of what I tried on, I hated. The good news is I found some awesome deals for all the men in my life, so they'll be looking sharp this fall!

When I got home, we took Parker up to a local park that has a huge sandbox. When we got there, one of his little friends happened to be there so he got to play with her for a little while. Then he went crazy on all the slides, climbing walls, etc. He was a sweaty, sandy boy when we got home, so Brian took him out back and they played in the inflatable pool while I worked hard at getting ready for our date that evening...
Bubble baths are hard work, but someone's got to do it!

We went out to an incredible Spanish restaurant that evening with some friends of ours. The food was amazing (Brian actually ate Ceviche - raw seafood marinated in lime juice!), the margaritas were delicious, and the company was incredible. We laughed, and laughed, and laughed...
And even though we had a wonderful weekend...we sure did miss our P-dog!
So immediately after church, we headed on over the Skyway Bridge to pick him up.
 Once we got there, Parker would barely let Payton out of his site. He really missed his big brother.
Even when Payton went back into the bedroom to read, Parker got up on the bed next to him and played with his favorite singing teddy bear.
 Payton was so patient and quietly read his book, while Parker played "When Irish Eyes are Smiling" over, and over, and over again.
We all enjoyed a yummy dinner made by Brian's mom, and then had to hit the road to get home for baths and bedtime.

Awesome weekend full of fun adventures.
But it sure is nice to have both my little ones tucked in nice and snuggy in their beds tonight.
I love those little dudes!

Friday, September 28, 2012


 This week was kind of a whirlwind.
Every night we had something going on.
Monday: Baseball game
Tuesday: Cub Scout Pack Meeting
Wednesday: An out of town friend visited in the morning with her new baby, I went to Payton's school for lunch, and then I had a girlfriend's 40th birthday party that night.
Thursday: I hosted playgroup in the morning, the car battery died so I spent the afternoon waiting for AAA, and then had to get a new battery. That evening, Brian & I attended a work dinner together.
Friday (tonight): We're sitting on the couch eating homemade pizza...I'm pooped!

Here's a recap in photos...

 Payton's Cub Scout Den was in charge of the flag procession this meeting. The boys did a great job presenting the flag, and then guess who got to say the "Pledge of Allegiance" in front of ALL of those people...

(Sorry for the beginning of the video being sideways. I forgot I was using my camera and not my phone. Oops!)

After that, they had a "Drum Circle." I had never attended a drum circle before, but it was really, really fun! The kids got SO into it. And the leader was so dynamic and fun.
 This picture kind of gives you an idea of how many kids were there. It was2-3 rows deep all the way around the circle.
 Just look at that smile! He had a great time.
 And aside from all the running around that happened in the evenings this week, Parker and I managed to find plenty of downtime at home.

This is his new favorite spot to sit (inside the ottoman).
 And we had a movie-watching party with all his "friends" one afternoon.
He literally had me carry each of these stuffed animals out of his room and onto the couch. Then he made sure each of them had their own pacifier and blanket. It was the cutest thing in the world!!
 And I even found some time to do a little baking (finally!). 
Anytime I can bake with these babies some pumpkin pie spice, I'm a happy girl!
I made pumpkin chocolate chip muffins using whole wheat flour. They turned out so yummy!
(Someone please tell me using the whole wheat flour somehow counter-balances all the chocolate chips I put in them??)
Now it is officially time for me to go & relax.
I see a new Pottery Barn magazine & a pumpkin spice candle calling my name!
Have a great weekend everyone.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Weather Makes A Difference

The tiniest bit of change in weather and I swear, everyone was in a good mood yesterday. Payton kept saying, "I love this chilly weather!" Which made me laugh so hard considering it was still 86 degrees out. But after a summer of 99 degrees, 86 was a major change!

We had our driveway/pavers/eves/sidewalks pressure-washed yesterday by the nicest father & son duo. I got quite a deal on it too, which always makes me so much happier. Then our new yard service came and did their thing. So, between a fresh, clean front yard and some nicer temperatures, all I wanted to do yesterday was be outside...which is exactly what we did!

First, Parker and I went on a nature walk to find some fall leaves.
He was much more interested in the little path he found at the entrance to our neighborhood...
 But we did have success finding leaves, and acorns, and all sorts of other crap that Parker picked up and put in the bag (he tried to put a dirty, old Cheese Doodle in the bag, but I had to draw the line there).
Fortunately, the leaves completed my little fall centerpiece for the kitchen table.
I love these striated pumpkins. I buy one every year. They're so fun to me!

Then the boys colored outside with chalk.
(I mean come on...that newly cleaned, white driveway was just begging to be colored on!)
And then our neighbor came over on her rollerblades, so Payton put his on as well and they played outside until it was time to leave for baseball.
 Let me tell was such a nice change from seeing Payton on the computer or in front of the TV. I cannot wait for consistently cooler temperatures. These kids need to get outside!

Payton did great in his baseball game last night. (Sorry, no pics. I was too busy chasing little man around). He got 2 hits and scored once. But more importantly, he had a really fun time with his teammates.

This morning, I took Parker to Target and the little dude knows the minute we walk in that there is a Starbucks in the lobby area. He immediately starts making these "Ooooooo!!!" sounds and saying, "Pop? Pop?" Meaning: cake pop. It was only 10 in the morning, but I just couldn't resist...

I mean come on...look how happy he is?!?!

The good new is, he dropped half of it on the floor, so he wasn't too jacked up on sugar during our errands. :)

He was also quite excited when he saw this...
Crazy, right?
Christmas stuff out...already??? Oh well, it made Parker very happy. Even though he kept pointing at the reindeer and saying, "Moo! Moo!" He definitely thought it was a Christmas cow.

One last picture...
Payton got his progress report yesterday and he got straight "E's" - which stand for "Excellent!"
And no marks for behavior improvements. 
Awesome job P-dog!!! We're so proud of you. Keep up the great work!

Monday, September 24, 2012


I have to cheat a little and post a couple of pics from last weekend. I forgot to post them and they're just too fun not to share.

Some close friends of ours recently moved out of Westchase down to South Tampa, and although we were super sad to see them leave, we've already been to their new house twice in a month. Not bad considering they moved from 2 minutes away to 25 minutes away. Fortunately for us, distance will not keep us apart!

Their new house is amazing! And we went down there to watch the Gator game last Saturday. (Yes, the game that started at 6 p.m.) Needless to say, we brought the kids pajamas and they were all watching TV in bed by 8:30 p.m.
(When I grow up, I want a house like theirs! Isn't that chandelier and bed so beautiful?!?!?!)
A closer view of the kiddos:
And I don't even think we got out of their driveway before the kids looked like this:
FAST asleep!

This past weekend was full of fun, friends and baseball.

Friday afternoon we stopped by Brian's office to pay a visit (you may have seen the Facebook video of Payton calling the Lego company from Brian's desk). Then we hit the new Dunkin Donuts next door for a little mother-son afternoon donut date!
The kids were SO happy.

Saturday night, Payton had his best little friend sleep over. They both love to play Minecraft on the computer, so they set up side-by-side at the kitchen table with their computers.
Then Parker came up and joined them. I think he was hoping he would fit in with his Elmo book. :)
Brian cooked out hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill and Parker was his little side-kick all evening.
He helped carry out the charcoal:
And stood patiently with it until Brian was ready:
Parker literally watched every step Brian made with the grill. He was quite enthralled. 
Then we enjoyed a yummy dinner al fresco!
And after little man went to bed, the big kids watched "The Lorax" while enjoying ice cream sundaes.
Since Saturday night's grilled dinner was such a success, we decided to do it again on Sunday night. But this time, it was cedar plank salmon. YUM-O! The kids love it, the adults love it - win, win.

And again, Parker watched every step on the grill:
And then enjoyed a little hammock time with Daddy:
And then Brian decided it was time for a little potty training..."guy style."
Nothin' like peeing in the yard!
(I hope that makes you laugh)

It was a wonderful family weekend. And today the weather has been SO nice. It's still warm, but the humidity is way down, so it actually feels cool outside. No complaints here!!!