Monday, August 20, 2012

Winding Down the Summer

We've had such a fun time these last few weeks of summer, I've barely had time to document it all in the blog!
With just a few words and a LOT of photos, here's a brief (or not so brief) recap of our final days of summer:

We took Parker to Payton's favorite train stores for the first time.
He LOVED it by the way!
(Our first stop was Chick-fil-A - Parker LOVES the CFA cow. Actually he's a bit obsessed)
Then we hit the train store:

 Payton had MANY fun playdates including celebrating his friend Lilly's birthday:

 (Parker thoroughly enjoyed a cupcake too!)
And bowling with his friend Nate & his brother Eric:
Pool time (e.g. water balloon time) with our neighbors:
And going on a movie date with Mom to see "Diary of a Wimpy Kid":
There has also been lots of awesome family togetherness including...
A visit from Uncle Bryan:
A visit from Nana:
 I even managed to fit in a little bit of craft time:
And of course there's been lots of brotherly love...

And while Daddy had to travel the last week of the summer, the boys sure were happy to see him when he got home. They couldn't even wait for him to get in the house!
 They needed some Daddy time!

I'm going to try not to get all sappy about the summer coming to an end, although I have to say that this was one of the most fun summer's we've ever had. The boys really enjoyed each other's company and I loved watching their bond grow stronger day by day.
I feel like we've all grown a lot this summer. Payton has matured emotionally. Parker has grown leaps & bounds. Brian and I have really relished the time with the boys and we've made some big family decisions (e.g. 2 kids is perfect for us - NO MORE!).
Summer 2012 deserves a gold medal in my book.
Thank you God for allowing us to experience such growth this summer. We look forward to an amazing school year and a super fun fall...full of snuggly sweaters, pumpkins, sweet-scented candles, cinnamon brooms, tall non-fat pumpkin spice lattes & cooler weather (I HOPE!!!).
 Goodbye Summer - we will miss you!

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