Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Summer Decor

Okay, I realize that it's August. School starts in less than 2 weeks. Technically, "summer" is almost over. However, I never blogged about my summer decor and since I usually blog about my seasonal changes in house decorations, I figured better late than never. And really, it's mostly so I can reference it next year when it comes time to decorate for summer and I can look back and think "Oh, I want to do that again. " OR... "That really didn't look so great. I will definitely do something different this year."

In any event, here's what my house has been looking like the past couple of months...

Lots of yellow! It's such a "summer-y" color, isn't it? Remember these pillows that I told you about that I ordered from "GroopDealz?" Well, they fit in perfectly with my yellow summer decor!
This is what my "summer mantal" looked like:
I downloaded this summer subway art from Google images and stuck it in a gold frame:
A friend of mine gave me this mason jar last fall filled with a desert ingredients. After I made the desert, I washed and saved the jar, knowing I would find just the right use for it someday! Well, here it is, holding some special shells that Payton has collected at the beach this summer.
And I picked up this cute little plate at Cracker Barrel one morning. I just love their Country Store. You never know what little gems you're going to find in there!
Well, that's about it. Now that my summer decorations have been documented for next year, I'll get back to blogging kid pics. I've got some cute ones from our farm and beach visits this week. Stay tuned!

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