Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Random Ramblings

I'm sure all of you are aware that Florida dealt with Tropical Storm Issac this week. Our schools were closed on Monday. Trash pick-up was cancelled. Our library and all other government offices were shut down. And we barely got enough rain to make puddles on the sidewalks. Our pastor put it best on Sunday when he said, "Hurricane season to meteorologists is like Christmas season to kids. They're SO excited to announce a new storm it's like instead of 'Santa is coming!' it's 'There's a hurricane coming!!'" I couldn't agree more.

So since school was out, we decided to have hurricane playdates all afternoon. Well, after Parker's 18-month check-up, that is (thankfully the pediatrician didn't close up shop). He was such a trooper when he got his shot in the thigh. One little shriek, and he was over it. Nothing a lollipop from the receptionist couldn't fix.

Now, we're back to our normal routine. Payton brought home his first homework assignment today. We have Parker's playgroup tomorrow. And this weekend we'll do some fun stuff to celebrate both Labor Day weekend and our 11-year wedding anniversary!

I also have to add that starting this weekend, all of my summer decorations will be coming down and all of the fall stuff will be going up! (I'm sure Brian is so thrilled to read that, knowing that it means a big trip up into the attic). I'm SO ready for fall. I'm excited for it to get darker earlier, for the humidity to drop a little (yes, I know the temps won't go below 80, but at least a little lower humidity will help), and to be able to enjoy an occasional Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte. Ahh...I can almost taste it! I just did a little internet searching and I'm happy to report, it will be in stores on September 4th!

Beyond that exciting news, I have some fun, random pictures to share from our wet weekend that was spent indoors most of the time.

We played a LOT of Play Dough:

 Made a LOT of forts:
And read a lot of books.
This one is Parker's current favorite. I don't really understand the appeal of this book, but Payton was equally obsessed with it when he was a baby, so there's definitely something to it!

 Isn't this sweet?!?
One last image to share. It's a sneak peek at my new fall subway art:

Let the "embers" begin!!!

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