Saturday, June 23, 2012

Driving with Kids

You know you're traveling with kids in the car when...

  • Your cup holder looks like this:
  •  15 minutes into the 2-hour drive you get asked, "We're much closer now, right?"

  • 1-hour into the drive you are dying for a coffee, but you don't dare pull off the interstate for fear that the sleeping child will wake up if the car stops moving. 
  • You hold your breath every time you hit a big bump praying that the sleeping child will not wake. (FYI, he slept soundly until his big brother ripped open the Velcro strap on the DVD player waking him into a crying fit. Can you feel my nerves tensing up yet??)
  • Your heart practically stops when you see a road sign that reads "Incident ahead, all lanes blocked."
  • You take the next exit after said road sign and go 30 minutes out of your way and pay an extra $5 in tolls just to keep the car moving. 
  • You hand back an exorbitant amount of candy and snacks to the back seat just to keep everyone's mouths occupied. 
  • You pull into your destination's driveway and realize your shoulders/back/legs/nerves/hair (is that possible??) have been so tensed up for the past hour and didn't even realize it. 
Fortunately, once we arrived, we got to do some of this:
 And some of this:
And I got to visit with my bestie from high school, Jenny.
After a couple glasses of wine and a yummy home-cooked meal... all the stress magically melted away.
It's great to be home.
(But we do miss you Brian!)


  1. WOW. Just read this...sorry your drive was crazy. I should have told you Parker LOVES "Thunderstruck" on P-dog's playlist...

  2. At least your drive is only 2 hours...mine is 6-7. So fun when you're on your own with the kiddos, right?!?
