Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Recap

Okay, it's time for me to brag.
I guess I do that a lot on this blog. I brag about my kids, my husband, my family.
But this post is just to simply brag about what an amazing Mother's Day weekend my husband provided for me. It was absolutely perfect...

12 p.m.
I came home from the park with Parker to find these sitting on the kitchen counter:
 Pink & green - my favorite color combo! :)

3:45 p.m.
Brian came bounding out of his home office and declared "I'm done! Time for you to go." He had booked a manicure for me at 4 p.m. and I had my doubts that I was actually going to be able to make the appointment. Fridays are busy for him and 4 p.m. isn't his usual "quittin' time." But he made it happen.

3:50 p.m.
I attempt a quick getaway without Parker noticing. This doesn't happen, and instead he starts screaming and reaching his arms out to me (which breaks my heart). I decide that it's like ripping off a Band-Aid and I should just leave and get it over with. So I did.

4:15 p.m.
My manicure is about to start, so I send one last quick text asking Brian, "Please tell me Parker stopped crying soon after I left??" He texts back this picture saying:
 "Oh yea, he's fine. He's giving himself a baby manicure"
Not sure if you can tell by the picture, but he was playing with the sidewalk paint. And apparently it's MUCH more fun to paint yourself, rather than the sidewalk. :) Now that I knew he was having fun, I could enjoy my time of pampering.
(They look good, right?)
I text Brian again to make sure he's surviving and he informs me that Parker is already in bed. Apparently "Guy Time" wiped him out. Good news was, that meant we had a very quiet evening in store.

We spent the rest of the night enjoying some one-on-one time with Payton. We ate an "amaze-balls" (as my girl Guillana Rancic would say) pizza and wine and caught up on our DVR shows. (BTW, American Idol sucks this season. I'm just sayin'...)

6:30 a.m.
I hear some rumblings, but decide that I will roll back over and ignore them for the time being. Next thing I know, it's 7 a.m. and I can hear Parker saying, "Mama, Mama, Mama." I go ahead and get up and I am greeted by 3 very awake, chipper Heckman boys who are ready to take me out to breakfast.

7:45 a.m.
We are seated at Cracker Barrel and I am happily sipping away my favorite coffee (something about putting real cream in coffee. It makes me very happy).

9 a.m.
We're back home and Parker takes a nice, long 2-hour nap. Thank you for that little Mother's Day gift buddy! We pack up the car and get ready to head out to the beach!
We had the best time at the beach. Parker is at a great age where he loves to just play with the wet sand and make little piles of shells. Payton and Brian spent a good amount of time building this:

 While I did this:
 Then we blew up the inner tube and took the boys in the ocean. They loved it!
 We had incredible weather and really enjoyed God's masterpiece.
3 p.m. 
We decided to head out since Parker was getting fussy and we figured he needed another nap. WRONG! He never did nap, but instead went to bed again at 5 p.m. No complaints here. I got to get ready for our big date night without a little one "helping" me in the bathroom.

5:30 p.m.
Our sitter arrives (which Brian booked - I love that he does that!) and we head out for a wonderful date night. We had so much fun just talking and hanging out without any disruptions. I love getting dressed up, walking hand-in-hand, and having long conversations over good food. Good times.

Sunday - Mother's Day!
6:30 a.m.
I again hear some rumblings outside the bedroom, but I choose to roll over and try to get a few more minutes of shut-eye. By 6:45 the dog is driving me crazy as he's pacing back and forth through the bedroom so I go ahead and get up.

7 a.m.
Brian walks into the bedroom with a cup of coffee, the newspaper (Target ad placed appropriately on top) and a Mother's Day card. He informs me that he's taking the boys up to Starbucks, so I can climb back in bed and read the paper until they get back. Pure heaven.
7:30 a.m.
I get this picture and text:

"We luv you Mama."
  (They are sharing a doughnut - and a chair - at Starbucks. How precious!)

The boys arrive back home and everyone climbs into bed with me. We have some awesome cuddle time, which quickly turns into wrestle time...
(I know our eyes look freaky in this picture, but it was just too cute not to post)
 Then I got to open up my Mother's Day gifts and cards which were all so sweet and beautiful. Payton made me a mosaic picture frame, which I can't wait to display. And Brian got me the most adorable Lilly outfit! I was shocked! It's so cute!
 (Payton also made that flower "vase". It says "The Most Loved Mom In The World." How sweet is that?!?)
Also, real quick, I had to share this card I got from my sis-in-law, Amanda:

She's so funny! :)

Brian took care of the meals for the whole day, so I didn't have to cook, or even think about preparing food. We had a great church service and ended up at our neighbor's house for swimming and dinner later that afternoon. 
It was such a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. One that I will never forget. Thank you so much Brian for planning fun outings, special moments and some relaxation time for me. It was perfect! I love you, and I love our boys. I feel like such a lucky person to be their mom! Please remind me of this later today when I am pulling my hair out with them. Ha! :)

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