Sunday, April 1, 2012


It was a pretty typical weekend around here. 
Busy as usual, but all fun things, so no complaints.

Let me back up for a second...
On Thursday afternoon, I took the kids for a long walk in the neighborhood. (Well, I walked Parker in the stroller, Payton & his friend Avery rollerbladed). 
We went to a lake around the corner from our house hoping to feed some ducks...
But the ducks weren't out. So, the kids ate instead.
Parker & Payton ate the bread that was meant for the ducks...
 (I love this picture of Parker! You can just hear him thinking, "BUSTED! I got caught eating the duck food!)
Then they ate their own snacks...
My best attempt at a cute picture with my crappy camera:
On Friday, Brian decided it was finally time for Payton to get a new bike (more on this in another post). After several wrecks, and raising the seat as high as it would go, we knew his current bike just wasn't big, or fast enough any more.
So, after school, we presented Payton with his new wheels!
He was beyond thrilled!
It's a huge bike, and it has "pegs" which he is already learning how to ride on and use for tricks. It gives me a heart attack, but I know he feels like such a big kid on it.

Saturday morning the house was bustling by 7 a.m. So Payton decided an early-morning bike ride was in order to get the day started off right. (I'm sure it had nothing to do with that new bike that was sitting in the garage just begging to be ridden!)
We rode up to Starbucks for coffee and egg sandwiches and then rode back in time for a little baseball practice before Payton's game.
(He did great again, by the way! I hate to brag (not really), but he's very talented!!!)

After the game, we headed to a beautiful local park situated right on the water where our church was holding a picnic. The boys had so much fun!
They bounced in the bounce house, played corn hole, ran around in the woods and just plain played their hearts out!
Parker sat in the dirt and in the leaves and until he was totally covered in dirt!

Payton "painted" Easter eggs, guessed how many jelly beans were in the jar...
 And Parker even enjoyed his first sno-cone. Of course there was no syrup in it, so really it was just shaved ice, but he loved it none the less.

Needless to say, Parker fell asleep on the way home, and Payton actually sat in bed and watched the end of "Blind Side" with us (BTW, LOVE that movie!!!). They were both pooped!
We enjoyed a relaxing low-key evening and then started it all back up again this morning with church, followed by a play date with one of Payton's friends from preschool.

I just love the weekends.
I have an extra set of hands around at all times to help out with the kids.
I get to sit back and watch the boys play together.
I get a break from cooking. :)
I usually get to "sleep in" till 7 a.m. one day, and get a Starbucks latte.
And it all culminates on Sunday night with a feeling of contentment mixed with a bit of exhaustion. I like the way it feels though. I'm worn out from being on-the-go, but so happy inside. I can't wait to do it all again next weekend!
Good night! I'm off to bed early this evening...


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