Friday, April 20, 2012

Boys & Dirt

I had a friend once say that she believes that God gave her all boys so that she would be forced to let go of some of her OCD when it comes to keeping things clean & tidy.

I'm beginning to think the same is true for me.

Payton doesn't like to get super dirty anymore - although riding his bike through muddy puddles is about his favorite activity on the planet - but he did when he was little.
Here's proof:
He ate dirt (several times)... 
 And he was a very messy eater...
 So, I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the number of times each week that I have to strip Parker down (usually to complete nakedness) on the back porch because he's gotten into something outside.

Yesterday, he wanted to venture out in the rain.
I had to hold back every ounce of my "cleanliness OCD" and tell myself, "It's good for him to play in the rain. He's experiencing life! He's learning new things."

Of course he found the one puddle in the backyard that had formed at the bottom of the gutter downspout. Complete with some of the leftover cleaner that was used to pressure wash the porch last weekend...

 Let's just say that 20 minutes later he was buck naked walking into the house. I'll spare you the details of sliding down the wet slide and then sitting in the dirt.

Today, it was nice and dry outside so I let him out back for a few minutes before naptime.
He walked over to the swing... and immediately fell into the dirt.

 Then he proceeded to wipe his dirty hands all over his face...
 Which just made him more upset.
 Needless to say, he walked inside in his diaper, went right to the sink for a "wash down" and then straight to his crib. Getting that dirty really makes a baby tired!

Lastly, here's a quick video that hopefully makes you smile!
(If you get this blog post via email, you'll have to click on "The Heckman Family" title at the top of the post to go to the actual blog to view this video).
 Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. That was super cute.

    Also, wanted to add I concur about the boys/dirt/ocd. In Jared's first year of life he never got dirty once without an immediate strip down and bath. Looking back that was an exhausting first year. Needless to say I lightened up considerably with Jack and by the time Jayden came along it was pretty much "whatever". HAHA!
