Friday, March 23, 2012

Yuck... and a boring post

That's how I feel when one of my kids is sick.
Especially when it's the baby.
He can't say, "Mama, my throat hurts and I want some ice cream."
He can't say, "I just want to go outside and breathe in some fresh air."
He can't tell me, "I'm so tired Mommy that I don't know what I want."
Instead he cries... a lot.
Then I spend hours trying to soothe him. Trying to guess what he wants. What he needs.
So, while I tend to a very uncomfortable, feverish little boy, I am going to publish this not-so-exciting post about up-cycling that I've had sitting in the queue for a while now.
Wish me luck on keeping my sanity and not snapping at anyone while trying to live on about 2 hours of sleep right now.

 Up-Cyling: A Quick Tip

I cleaned out my laundry room cabinets recently (more on this in another post) and emptied out this old Play-Dough canister:
 It has a great screw-on lid and I just knew I'd find a good use for it!
So, I cleaned it out real good, took off the labels and set it aside.

A week or so later, I was at one of my favorite toy stores that was having a "going out of business sale" (boo hoo!). They were selling their shopping carts for $2. Again, I just knew I'd find a good use for it!
So, I bought it, cleaned it up, took off the labels and set it aside.
 I re-arranged the playroom toys the other day and found the perfect spot for my "up-cycled" items!
I had a friend of mine make some vinyl labels for them, and voila! New toy containers for next to nothing!
 Don't be so quick to throw out good quality storage items. You just never know what you might be able to use them for!

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