Thursday, March 1, 2012

Welcome March!

It's March! And we're finally getting close to Spring... can you feel it? Okay, so you can't really feel it here, as it's been 85 degrees the past few days, but this morning it was cool and overcast and felt like a Spring morning.
We've been hanging outside a lot lately. It seems to be Parker's new favorite place, and of course Payton loves to rollerblade now, so it works out for everyone. 
After a good 30 minutes of rollerblading the other day, Payton and his friend were so sweaty, I suggested they put on their bathing suits, get out the hose and... wash the car! I love it when fun meshes with productivity! Even Parker enjoyed it...

Of course, this is what I got when I asked him to smile for the camera:
 Then he accidentally stuck his face in the bucket and got suds on his forehead & nose.
 (P.S. Don't you love his onesie - it's also featured on the header - it says "Little Charmer" - so cute for St. Patrick's Day!)
And speaking of St. Patrick's Day, since both Brian and I have an Irish heritage, we like to celebrate this special holiday. I bought a cute bib for Parker to wear and wanted to get a good picture of him in it. So I chased him around trying to get something cute, and this is what I got:

 This kid has the craziest smile in the world. And I love it!!!
Okay, one last picture of my other cute boy. This is totally random, but figured it was worth mentioning for any of you mommies out there.
There is a book series called "Elephant & Piggie" by Moe Willems. It is the cutest series and very easy for little ones to read. The illustrations are so funny. Payton has probably read each one 10 times or more. He & his friend Lilly like to act them out, which is even more hysterical.
Anyhow, there are two new Piggie & Elephant books out and I was able to get one of them at the library this week. Payton was so excited!
We are very excited for the other new one to come in as well. It's called "Happy Pig Day."

Check your library and see if you have any. Your kids will love them!

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