Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Special Valentines Day

It's very rare that you see any pink, or red, or hearts around here. With 4 boys (yes, I'm including the dog) I'm totally outnumbered. So, when February arrives, I go kinda crazy with the Valentine's decorations and celebrations.
Brian was so happy when I showed up with these the other day...
 I think his exact words were, "Whoh... where did these come from?"
They came from Pottery Barn Kids, and I've had my eye on them for about 3 years now. I finally caught them on clearance last week. Yahoo! Payton had so much fun checking his mail every day for special surprises. :)
I also picked up these little gems at PBK. They're called "Lunch box Notes" and they have a little interesting factoid on each card. They are super fun to put into lunch boxes, as well as "mailboxes."
I also loved how Target came out with a special Valentine's Day gift card. So perfect for Payton's teacher, wrapped up with some pink M&M's in a heart-shaped dish!
 Of course we had to start off the day with our annual heart-shaped french toast. Parker enjoyed it this year too!
 Then I got to have a Valentine's-themed baby playgroup!
Yummy cookies & coffee cake:
 Treats for the babies and the mommies:

 And look at how cute the little kiddos were:

Okay, so they're not the best photos, but hey... you get what you can when photographing that many small children.
Later on, Parker and his best girl got cute for the camera too!
 Is she not the cutest thing you've ever seen?!?
Of course lots of candy was consumed throughout the day...
 Parker even made off with a candy stick!
And Brian and I, in defiance of spending lots of money on over-priced roses, pre-made Hallmark cards, and shelling out way too much money for a sitter, decided instead to make each others' cards this year (I won't post a picture, but let's just say his consisted of lots of construction paper, and mine was made with Martha Stewart craft paper and glitter). I did get an awesome box of Godiva chocolates (MY FAV!!!) and he got a package of Reese's hearts (his fav). After the kiddos went to bed Brian and I enjoyed some really nice red wine by candlelight. It was the most perfect Valentines day.
Nothing like being showered with love by 4 boys! I am truly blessed!

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