Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Afternoons around here are fairly predictable.
Parker wakes up from his nap around 1:30 - usually in a very good mood - and then we do this:
  He has a little snack (or sometimes big depending on the size of lunch)...
carrots & hummus happened to be on the menu this day.
 Yes, he still hams-it-up for the camera.
 Then, as long as the weather is cooperating, we usually do this:
We walk up to the pond by our house, spread out a blanket and we wait for Payton to come home from school.
 Of course he usually climbs up into his stroller and tries to do some death-defying crawl up to the handle, which gives me a panic attack. But that's a boy for ya!
When we do see Payton crossing at the crossing guard, I say, "Oh! I see Payton!" And Parker immediately looks down the street and does not take his eyes off of him until he arrives at our spot.
I wish I had a picture of them greeting each other. It's the most precious moment (can you picture it in your mind??). It's as if Parker has been waiting all day for big brother to come home from school. 
I love that they love each other so much. I am treasuring these days when they aren't fighting. They aren't competing. They aren't disagreeing on what to watch on TV, or play on the Wii, or who gets what toy in the bathtub. 
Right now, they are purely enjoying each other.
And I love it!

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