Sunday, January 29, 2012

Some happy moments

The weather was really warm here this week (80's) so we busted out the baby pool and introduced our little guy to our version of "swimming at the house."
At first he wasn't too happy about the cold water, but then he realized that he could sit on the outside of the pool and just chuck toys into the water and watch them splash. 
This was fabulous. 
Then he figured out he could fill up the cups with water and splash with those. 
This was even more fabulous.
Then big brother came home, plus a neighbor, and all of the sudden I found myself sitting on the porch with the baby while the big kids made a "water slide."
Hey, whatever makes em happy, right?

 At one point Payton got himself a snack and sat down in a chair. Then Parker climbed up into the chair next to him and decided he wanted to eat big brother's snack too.
Can't you just hear Payton: "NO PARKER! This is MY snack!"
Parker wouldn't even look at the camera. He was too intent on the snack.
Don't worry... little guy got his own snack.

 We've also discovered that one of Parker's "tricks" is smiling at the camera when the flash goes off. I was literally laughing out loud the other morning when I was trying to get a picture of him playing with his cup and rocks that Daddy brought back from Haiti. Every time I would go to take an action shot of him playing, he would squint and open his mouth at the camera. 

It was so darn funny.
That's what I love so much about having kids in the house. 
Even when life is rough, and you don't feel like smiling, they do the funniest things that just MAKE you smile and laugh. 
God is good like that.

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